The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Whoa! The last two lines of this completely blew my mind. Damn! Really sad subject matter, but great writing.
Ohh my goodness. If you ever write a sequel I would love to read it. Poor Logan, how sad/sick he must feel. Good story though :)
Author's Response: Heh. It's a good day for me when I manage to actually finish a story that I started. This one is a one-shot, and if it's up to me, it'll stay as one, I have too many WIP's screaming and fighting over my time and attention. But I'm glad you liked this little scribble. :)
WHOA!!!! Just hold it right there...I need a trip to my chiropractor now, ara!! That second to last line didn't get just a double take, it got a goddamned triple take!!
Didn't see that coming from a mile away!! Brava, my dear! Brava!
Nicely twisted
Author's Response: Thank you. And welcome back. I'm expecting that new story of yours with great anticipation. :)
Well handled there hon,I can just see Logan doing that, turning the bike to the road and just focussing on the father. Thanks for sharing this one.
Okay, I serious hope this is finished finished because I do NOT want to know what happens after that point. ewwwwwwwwwwwwww. *claps hands over ears* LALALALALALALALALALALALALA
Author's Response: Finished. Logan goes after her father and kills him. Slowly. Very, very slowly.
Awww poor logan!!! That must be terrible for him. And wow. Marie calling him daddy. Wonder if she was going for kink or maybe her father molested her... Either way totally the wrong thing to say!!!
Author's Response: Well, Logan did promise to take care of her father. So I think the kink is out of the picture.
'Daddy'?????? What did she say that for?! Gah! No wonder he run away! Jeez!
poor, poor Logan...stupid Marie!
Author's Response: Uh... This probably would have made a heck of a lot more sense if Word hadn't decided to cut it short. Last paragaph's missing. sorry. Will correct it now.