The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Its so sad that even at the end, his misguided logic fills her and she still sees it as all her fault...just like most battered women. In and of itself, it's logical that that's how her mutation WOULD work, but at least she's able to fight her inner Logan and protect her child. The optimist in me hopes that someday she'll be able to control that inner Logan and go back to her daughter. A well written fic with an all too sad but true plot line at the core.
Wow great story. I've never seen Logan in that way but I also enjoyed seeing how their love can go, even if it's in a bad way. Thanks for the story.
Nice handling of a very dificult situation honey, to see Logan as an abuser, that love can blind you even when you *know* that your better off away from him.
Seen it myself too many times not to recognise the patterns, not me thankfully but too many others including men friends.
Well done hon, have a *HUG* ;o)!