The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Excellent. I enjoyed this immensely!
I absoutely loved this. You did a wonderful job! Thanks for a great read!
Wow - what a ride! This is just an amzing story. Well done!
I remember this one, it's a favorite of mine.
Brave story, well writtten and brilliantly executed, thank you for sharing this with us all. Nicely paced, just enough detail to hit the target but not too much to get bogged down (like I tend to lol).
Well done honey!
I have read this story before, I think on the old archive. (I saved it to my laptop actually LOL) Anyway i really liked it! It was so sad yet i could feel teh love Marie and Logan had for each other thru out the who fic. Great job!!!