The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
WONDERFUL!!! Great story! Very well written, I enjoyed it immensely! Sort of wished you'd have left that damn Cajun for Logan to take care of, but Mag's hands are pretty good too.
Yup me enjoyed very much!
But that last paragraph screams for a sequel ^_^
I've never heard of Bluebeard before but it sounds hardcore! Very powerful story. That damn Cajun.
Author's Response: Bluebeard is a tale thats also been called 'Mr Fox', or 'The Rich Suitor', basically a tale to warn girls that not everything they look at it true, that the husband they chase could be a killer in disguise and when the tales were told it was true. A man could murder his wife or beat her to death and only have a fine to pay, sick but true. Thanks for commenting honey, Hugs Jo.