The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Say it isn't so! Say you haven't written this masterpiece to leave us hanging right at the very end! Please come back and finish/update. I beg of you!
Well, this is just delicious.
I remember reading this story years ago and becoming hooked. One of my All-time, favorite. Glad to know it is completed.
Cannot wait for the continuation
ARghhh! More please!
My dear, you always exceed yourself. This is as nail biting and frustrating and deliriously hooking as ever. I am ensnared and enthralled. Please both cut to the chase and rescue and drag this story out for 3 years of your delicious words savored on my brain pan. Please and thank you.
How? How...? You made Wolverine even sexier to me. And with math! I'm...I just... you...and he...and then...gah!
So glad that you are back! I seriously love this story. Nice touch with showing just how smart Logan really is. You really do a great job of making him believable and three dimensional. Your writing always pulls me in with a vengeance!
This story just keeps getting better. Very intrigued about Elizaveta's vision and Rogue's abduction. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Ok...first off, I started reviewing way back at like chapter 1....and about chapter 5, I got so caught up that I stopped reviewing and just kept flying over to the next chapter. I have to say, I am beyond floored. This is a wonderful world you have created. It's complex and unique and everything fits together so beautifully! I actually squeeled a bit when I realized there were no more chapters....Please please PLEASE keep going. Such a great story!
I just found this story this morning and I would have read it straight through if I could. I had to stop a few times and that got me cranky, as stopping in the middle of all good stories does!
This is an excellent fanfic. Rogue becomes more awesome than she was in the movies.
I haven't felt any problems with pacing. The story doesn't seem forced and I appreciate that it's captivating without being smut!
Just like Peter Petrelli!
seriously not fair to leave it there. I hope you update soon
I will never ever be tired of this story. In a way I am grateful for the sporadic updates. It affords me longer to savor the story.
A www,like very much that Marie doesn't let Logan mouth off too far. :-)
A www, poor marie. Logan's gonna flip!
Aww, the witch knows!
This just gets more interesting with each chapter. :-)
Wow..hummm. Just started to read this. It's quite lengthy, always a good thing, in my opinion. It's very detailed and you describe things very well. My only complaint is the Harley. I'm a bike lover and I just HATE Harleys. I could never see Logan riding one. Oh, well. In my head, I'll pretend its something better...LOL ; ) Very nice.
So so glad to see you haven't abandoned this story!!!! Have to say though, this is the reason I don't really like to read a WIP. Just searching for updates is tiring. But love this story, may have to go back and reread from the beginning when I have the time.
Okay, so one of my favorite writers on this site, Artemis2050, just posted a new story after an almost two year absence. So it got me thinking again about all the other favorite writers of mine that I haven't heard from in a while. So here I am, harassing you again and asking you to please come back. I miss this story and your writing. And as I'm sure you've already noticed, I not too proud to beg. Please come back, dammit! ;)
I seriously miss this story! I hope you will be able to update this soon! You can't leave it there!
Absolutely thrilling. And the new girl's reaction? WOw. At least she'll fit in pretty well eventually seeing as she isn't afraid to speak her mind and she won't be cowed. Very, very nice. And poor little Elizaveta. At least Rogue wasn't the one to have the visions in the middle of the drive. -Not yet anyways.
A cliffhanger! How mean of you! Please update soon!
Awesome chapter!