The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
awwwwww, so sweet. and way to drag out the anticipation!
creeeeeepy lab! i always love it when stories wind up in labs...something in me is just darkly intrigued by all the deark scary stuff thought up in those place by the authors of these stories.
wow, he really is nuts! love it! this story keeps taking twists and turns i don't expect. keeps me on the edge of my seat.
glad he figured out it really was Marie and didn't get sucked into the paranoia that possessed him! whew! it would've sucked if he'd killed her again!
omg, i can't believe Aislin died! i would have loved to have seen more of her. but with Marie back from the living it should get interesting.
i bet she's the new weapon X. so glad i stumbled across this story. it's started out so well i can't wait to dive into the rest of it.
I found this story a little confusing. But that aside It was very emotional and sad. It was very interesting!
Author's Response: This is one of my older stories. If I remember correctly, this was the first that got completely out of my hands. Confusing? Definitely. This was confusing to write as well. And meant as a one-shot. I never intended to write more after the first chapter, but Logie threatened to skewer me if I didn't write down the whole story. That man can be very persuasive. :)