The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Ah, a time limit. Makes things more interesting. :)
i love the way Gregory and Wolverine play bad cop and even worse cop
"let's go ruin his day"
great threatening line!
that was a neat and quick battle but to the point, the important thing is what happens to Morgan!
oh ho, this is going to be a wild and dangerous Christmas like on X-men have!
You callin' some of us bloodthirsty?? Now that's just not nice, Wytchling, really, that's not polite at all.
(ct turns to study the wall, while her Logan muse steps forward.......)
Author's Response: LOL. I think as we've seen I'm not very nice.
Eagerly awaiting the details of how they ruin this Castleton jerk's day!!! Tee hee hee hee!!!
Author's Response: Oh it's gonna be fun. I have to wait until I'm in the right frame of mind though. It won't take long. Someone usually pisses me off to the point of imagining painful ways to kill them.
Oh no you don't!!! You don't get me interested and liking an OC just to kill her off!!! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!
Author's Response: I'm sorry *Hangs head in shame* But I had to do something extreamly dramatic. A good writer has to know when to make a plot twist.
oooooooooohh!!! This sounds goooooodd!!! (rubs hands together evilly) If I had a cat to stroke like whats-his-name in the Austin Powers' movies, I'd do that too!!!!
I don't have clue one on how Gregory should proceed.... but YOU, Wytchling, need to proceed immediately to chapter 10; do not pass GO, do not collect $200,
Author's Response: I'm glad I'm keeping you on your toes. And there's a reason for all the confusion. All part of my evil plot. Now where did I hide that plot bunny treat?
Ok, so there's the cold cock I was waiting for, but I'll admit freely, I have no idea what to think about this chappie!!!
"Was" gay, "is" bi-, kissing him til he loses all sense but cleaning his clock and quitting just the same.... I confused, Wytchling, very confused!!!
No reviews until I find out if she's gonna cold cock him like Rogue and Logan think she will!!!
Author's Response: lol.
I like those kind of post dinner nap plans, m'self!! Tee hee hee!
Author's Response: I'm not so good at smut though. It's why it's only PG13. Sorry.
"Gregory", huh? Is this Mr. Trustworthy??
Author's Response: Yes this is mister Trustworthy. More or less.
"Sure. Just tell me how to kill the guy."
I love Logan!! Straight forward, simple, to the point!!!
Trustworthy, huh? Then who's using Logan for target practice?
Author's Response: lol. You'll find out later.
I don't trust this "leader" dude.
Author's Response: He's trustworthy...sorta. He's got his own agenda. You'll find out about him later.