The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I really like this. More honesty than angst. Great stuff. --Wendie
"Logan really did grin then, something dirty and amused and darkly promising in his expression."
Oh yeaahhhhhhh....'darkly promising' is always goooooddd!!!
I agree whole-heartedly...SEQUEL, SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!
*sigh* This made me smile a goofy smile. Great job! I agree, maybe a sequel is in order.
That was hilarious and cute.
Aww.. SEQUEL! SEQUEL! (dirty sequel) xXx
"Cause that's pretty impressive, even for you."
I burst out laughing at that, as I could just about hear him saying it!
Really touching, especially the insight into how Rogue feels she has no reason to try.