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Reviewer: Wytchling Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 3:53:11 PM Title: Chapter 21

Oooohh Another Rogue plan. Kinda scary. Hope it works. If it doesn't I think I might cry.

Author's Response: heh. yeah, another rogue plan. when will she ever learn?

Reviewer: Rogue1189 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 12:38:25 PM Title: Chapter 21

OH what the heck is going to happen arrgghhhghghggh! What is she planning? Will Logan listen to Bobby? It's coming down to the end and I'm scared! I love ur story so much! And even though I hate short chapters I must thank you for even writing this cause I know how hard it is to write when u have no time cause of work. Suckness.

But please when u can update... soon possibly? =D

Author's Response: thanks! i will be updating soon, no doubt. and as for the questions-- guess you'll just have to keep reading to find out what happens!

Reviewer: rhiannon_avon Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 10:46:09 AM Title: Chapter 21

Quick plans coming together, although I would have hung up on her at 6 am on Sunday, friend or no.

Those are crappy work hours, I wouldn't want to have them -shakes head vigorously-. I enjoy my sleep too much to get up that early. But kudos to you for being able to do that and still have time to write. Gold star for you.

I was in Canada for the weekend for both buisness and pleasure I guess you can say. I play underwater hockey and there was a tournament I went to in Ontario to play at. Then my group went to Niagara Falls for a few hours. I hope you get your chance to go to Canada soon!

Looking forward to your next chapter. =)

Author's Response: underwater hockey? i've never heard of such a thing but you can bet your top hat that i'll be looking into now! and a tournament to boot? very impressive. i'm itching to read all about this interesting sport!
and the next chapter will be up soon. as for sleeping? yeah, i've forgotten what that is. grrr.

Reviewer: New Moon Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 9:18:28 AM Title: Chapter 1

Thanks for posting an update--a really GOOD update--even though you are maxed out, just to keep crazy people here from going even more mental.

I love this story, love your take on these characters, and fervently hope that given Marie's MacGyver obsession, there is a stick of chewing gum, a paper clip and a homemade bomb made out of Purel and a diet coke involved in the resolution somehow.

Author's Response: haha! i love the MacGyver idea! and you are right-- the biggest reason i posted what i did when i did was to hold off the fanfic mobs. :P

Reviewer: Aussie_Dream Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 6:44:37 AM Title: Chapter 21

You are amazing! Even without the story... You must be among the world's hardest working people. And to be so creative too! Not to mention the way you managed to keep the story-line fluid and the mistakes to a minimum - again - and under extreme stress!

I want to be you when I grow up!

Author's Response: heh, that last line made me laugh. a much needed laugh, by the way. =) i'm pretty surprised there aren't alot of mistakes. i thought for sure i'd post it and later read all of these reviews highlighting my errors! the next chapter will be up soon. and the same sentiments apply. i probably need to recheck it but i doubt my brain would be of much use right now.

Reviewer: nikkibelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 3:27:13 AM Title: Chapter 21

oohh, she has a plan! i'm so excited, can't wait to see it go into action =)
and jean is so nice in this one, i love them together =)
poor you for those work hours, that totally sucks. it's unbelievable you still find time to write. you rock =P

Author's Response: thanks! the next chapter will be up as soon as I finish responding to all of your wonderful notes.

Reviewer: manda-dee Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/25/2009 1:33:58 AM Title: Chapter 1

A/U Ideas:

TR starts a story and then actually...FINISHES IT

Okay I know you've been ridicuolously busy what with work and the new puppy and dodging the attempts of the assassins I've been sending after food shoping- yeah food shopping.

Anyway I won't pester you as much as I usually do....I just wanna ask you something.


I'm over here doing freakin AFRICAN RAIN DANCES to the tune of "please let TR update PLEASE let TR update" while chanting around a bonfire waiting for the on pour of pure undiluted FAN FICTION and THIS IS WHAT U GIVE ME!?!?!


I mean I kinda feel bad for being pushy- 6 am until 10 am? Do you work in retail or in hell? Is there a difference?


DUDE I cannot wait this long for your next update...I will fall to the ground and explode like KABOOM!!!

Listen, I'm going to go grab my stress therapy doll and squeeze him until I can breath again. I'm even going to update WYCF just to be a good sport, but I want you to know....if you dont update soon...I'm going to have to get you fired so you have more time to write me fanficiton. *I have great confidence in my abilities to extract revenge for some reason....

Author's Response: you're going to update WYCF? my, oh my. i thought hell had to freeze over before something like that could happen. =P anyway, uhm. yeah. i'm too tired right now to respond fully so i'm just going to say a quick: sorry the chapter was so such but those damn assassins have just been running me ragged.

Reviewer: manda-dee Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/24/2009 9:28:55 PM Title: Chapter 1

anxiously awaiting chapter 21 Molasses Lady... : (

Author's Response: cute. real cute. =p

Reviewer: rhiannon_avon Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2009 10:37:13 PM Title: Chapter 20

I read this early Friday morning before I left to go to Canada for the weekend, so I didn't get a chance to review after I first read it, but it just meant I got to come back and read it again. =)

I love how Marie finally lets it all out. Things aren't going to get fixed unless you say something. But Mom, sisters and Scott all are working things out, so thats good. Now they just have to go out and face all the party guests. Sounds like fun. Maybe Logan will show up and make life very interesting. ;-)

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Oh....the AU story I mentioned in my last review was Unconditional by sharonmjl47. It's pretty good, I think you'd enjoy it.

Author's Response: thanks for the review and ooh, am i jealous that you're in canada right now. business or pleasure? i've been 'planning' a trip to canada for the last 9 months. meaning, i want to go but the opportunity to get away hasn't presented itself yet. stupid work.
unconditional was an interesting one and i haven't read that one in a great while. probably since it was first posted. kudos to you for reminding me about it!

Reviewer: August Dawn Signed star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/23/2009 5:57:25 PM Title: Chapter 20

Thanks for the new chapter.. this is my favourite story at the moment and your updates in my inbox make me so happy :)

More importantly, Thank you for sharing that link to those most awesome pictures... OMG!!! swooooon

Couldn't help missing Logan in this chapter, obviously, but was glad he wasn't in it in so far as Rogue didn't get to take him to the part after all her bad behaviour. I like how she's having to suffer and sort out things with her mother and sister without getting to hide behind pretending to have a great life and a great boyfriend.

Sneaky how Scott wormed his way to the party.. I like how he's getting close to Jean and Rogue is so wrapped up in herself she's not even noticing.

I hope Logan comes back soon but makes Rogue squirm and suffer before making up with her. I'm evil ;)

Author's Response: aw, favorite story shout out? unexpected. and i probably just blushed a little, too, because that's something i do too often when receiving a compliment. and you are very welcome for that link! i just wish i had more to share. but didn't these fit SoA beautifully? Oh god-- yup, there it is. I'm drooling again. =)
thanks for the review. i absolutely felt like she had to fix things with her own sister and come clean about her coniving ways before anything good could happen with Logan. now that it's done, of course, Logan will be in more to come. the next chapter will be up soon!

Reviewer: nikkibelle Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 6:31:18 PM Title: Chapter 1

isn't a new chapter of a fanfic the nicest thing to wake up to in the morning? ^^
i really like that jean and marie might actually have a sisterly relationship now...and the explanation from their mom on why she treated them differently was really good too, great job =)
sorry about those 1200 thingies you have to type, that really sucks. maybe writing a new chapter to your story can cheer you up ^^ (haha, not a totally selfless suggestion on my part =P)
have a nice weekend and update soon =)

Author's Response: thank you! i do plan on writing the next chapter a lot quicker than this one was written. Though it probably won't be started on this weekend like i'd hoped since i'm currently *working* at the office. ^insert annoyed glare here^. sigh. oh well. it will get written, though. and when it's posted you'll have another nice morning filled with fic updates. =D

Reviewer: askita Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 6:03:05 PM Title: Chapter 20

Great stuff, I'm also very glad to see Jean and Marie finally getting along. I've always been a fan of the Marie and Jean friendship, as long as Jean was perfectly distracted by Scott as far as men were concerned. Or at least not focused on Logan. *grins* I can't wit for more.

I was just about to give you a polite little nudge when I opened my mailbox and saw a happy little 'favorite story update' email. *grins*

And those pics are just wonderful. Absoutely the best... I think I probably made some of those inapropriate gestures and noises you were talking about earlier.

Author's Response: heh, those noises and gestures are purely instant physical reactions to his hotness factor. at least with me. they just couldn't be helped. ;) Thanks for the feedback on this chapter. I agree about J and M. *IF* Jean's character is written as a likeable one, I think she and Marie compliment each other in a way. but, for the most part, i still have jean issues. and these aren't based soley on the movie, either. these go way back to the early 90's, at least. oh well. if it wasn't her it would have been someone else for me to take my aggressions out on. =)

Reviewer: QueenC86 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 4:48:13 PM Title: Chapter 20

awwwwww thats all i can say about this chpater. as much as I hate Jean I'm happy their working things out. now just Logan left *hint hint*

Author's Response: thanks! logan will have his turn soon. =)

Reviewer: thaty Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 3:24:48 PM Title: Chapter 20


So, first of all, sorry for all the work you had at your job. Why can't your boss see that this fic is way more important than all those papers he gave you? =P

Well, I'm just so jealous of you right now because of your new puppy. I'm thinking seriously of getting one too, even if my mother will kill me when she finds out!

So, to the story...
like everyone else, I wanted more Logan in this, but totally agree that you had to fix things between Marie and Jean first. I loved the scene in the three house. Very touching!

I think everyone who has a sister (or in my case, a brother) feels like those two. I'm a lot like Jean, actually, only I had to be perfect in everything because that was the only way of getting my parents atention. I bet my brother feels like I get all the atention because I'm the perfect one. Brother and sister relationships are always hard, no matter what! Anyway, this is not a terapy section! =P

Continuing with the story: I love the 'will they or won't they' with Jean and Scott. Although I don't like the Jean from the movies, I have no problem with this one. So it's ok if she gets a happy ending!

Now, the most important thing: please don't take another week to update again!!! Don't go to work, call in sick, just don't torture us again...hahahahaha

Oh, and please don't finish this story too soon. It's soo good I wouldn't mind reading another more 20 chapters!


Author's Response: well, my advice is to not show up at home one day with an unannounced 162 lb dane that's 36" at the shoulder. Most mom's aren't usualy real keen on their kids and their 'bright ideas' when that happens. =P
Thanks for the all great feedback. I was trying to make the discussion intimate so i didn't want it to happen in the middle of a party or in a big 'ole kitchen. i'm glad the treehouse worked. and hey-- if they had broken into a fight atleast there, where it's cramped, they couldn't have inflicted much damage on the other person. hm. unless one defenestrated another. huh. anyway, glad you liked it and it worked.
as for all the rest, in a nut shell-- you know the story must come to an end and that end will be soon. :( so sorry. and also, it is saturday morning, the sun is barely out, and i am already stuck behind my computer at the office, working on these papers. Stupid, stupid, real life. Grr.

Reviewer: thaty Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 2:51:38 PM Title: Chapter 20

Thak you, thank you, thank you for updating!!!!!!!!!
I was getting crazy in here!!!
Though you had forgotten this story...hehehehe

Ok, now I'm gonna read it! :)

Author's Response: nope. didn't forget it. just didn't have time for it for a while there. ;)

Reviewer: Wytchling Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 2:35:49 PM Title: Chapter 20

Awww. Thats so sweet. No get Logan and Rogue back together!

Author's Response: lol. why do i get the feeling that this was not a request but a demand with a twist of Or Else thrown in? :\ but hey! tomorrow is saturday. so unless they have me working at the office to finish up these *gulp* 1200 *sob* papers, maybe i'll have time to work on the next chapter. who knows. it might actually be written and posted sooner rather than later. :D

Reviewer: Rogue1189 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 2:26:43 PM Title: Chapter 1

haha I have a hate for her too ever since the movies I just could not STAND her I'm not sure why maybe it was because she was ALL OVER HIM or she's SELF-CENTERED ehhh w/e

yes that link is hot! I put it in my favorites just to know that once in a while I can stare at something so god dang hot. But you know what I saw though... doesn't he kind of look like Colin Farrel??? One just screams him but ahhhh doesn't matter so hot.

I need to go take a cold shower haha

Author's Response: "I need to go take a cold shower" <--- you and me and anyone else who's ever laid eyes on this man-god.

Reviewer: Rogue1189 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 12:36:11 PM Title: Chapter 20


UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!! I opened my email and saw this yayness!!

Okay now onto the chapter. Another good one I love that they had that little fight up in the tree house and we find out *dramatic gasp* that Jean is more messes up than Rogue!!

Hell yes!

No offense to Jean lovers I just can't stand her =P Oh and when I read that she was wearing Rogue's clothes I wanted to put my hands through the comp grab her name and squeeze it to death haha I hate when sisters do that it is so annoying!!!!

oh and ur week so like so much fun!! haha for not having much time u sure did a good job! Update soon!!

oh and one more thing..... When I put that link in a new window my mouth fell open. Holy shit that is hot my god I could just stare at him and orgasm...okay too much info haha but argh that wife of his is one lucky bitch god damnit I'd jump him everyday if I could *sigh* some people get all the luck =/ I'm gonna need more pictures so if you have some hidden somewhere give me the link so I can ogle haha

Author's Response: well, coming from my own deep rooted dislike of Jean, i'm going to (wrongly) say that I think we all already knew that Jean was more messed up than Rogue so none of this could have been all that surprising. :P
as for the pictures i'd love to send you more but that was all that i was emailed. helluva hot link, yeah? not sure i like the full on short beard, though. mutton chops actually work. scruffy five o'clock shadow works. but the stache? bleh. not my cup of tea. sorry, hugh.

Reviewer: dulcesweet Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 10:38:31 AM Title: Chapter 20

thanks for posting again I luv this very unique fic you've created. I just checked out those pics and wow, that's how I imagined him in this story. Can't wait to read the next chapter, and find out if Scott really can help Marie fix it. not that I'm expecting you to answer but your going for a Scott and Jean paring aren't you???

Author's Response: thank you for the compliment. and i know what you mean about those pictures. i was drooling over my keyboard like a saint bernard and probably looked about as sexy as a slug doing it. lol.
as for the J/S pairing I'm not sure how i'm going to work it. as i'm sure you've noticed i've slowly, and very discreetly, been playing with them and giving them an air of 'will they or won't they?'. so we'll see. ;)

Reviewer: New Moon Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 9:35:16 AM Title: Chapter 1

Yay for updates! Poor Marie....even though I am 7 years older, it's my brother The Prince who is fawned over and can do no wrong. Am I exagerrating? My mother put together my wedding photo album and the first picture in it IS OF MY BROTHER AND HIS GIRLFRIEND.

Yeah, I'm over it. NOT.

Author's Response: aw. let it out honey, we're here for you. ;) that's horrible about your photo album. I haven't been *there* exactly, but i've been a part of plenty of similar situations. by the way--- my brothers were never like that. just my sister. And she was/is dubbed The Princess. =D haha

Reviewer: manda-dee Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/20/2009 5:31:59 AM Title: Chapter 20


Okay so I went to go leave you a comment about updating again- I know I'm a useless annoyance who offers nothing in the way of encouragement or inspiration, but I'm desperate here.

Anyway I saw the reviews for this chapter and when I clicked on the link to read it I saw that there was absolutely NO Logan/Marie and I was like 0.0 NO!

Then I actually read it and I have to admit, you always seem to surprise me. This was a really good chapter and I gotta say, you had me at every turn with Marie's onslaught of emotions. My little heart was breaking just reading about it- poor girl! OMG!

Now, I'm hoping that all that business with the great Dane puppy is going well and I'm sorry about you deleting those 200 thingy's for work- that's a bitch and a half no lie there, BUT I need for there too be ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!

Lady, I will do anything! I will climb up on a freaking ladder and clean your gutters, I'll go harass your boss, I'll even walk the dog-if need be- BUT PLEASE!! Don't wait another week, I cant hold out that long- please please please update soon.

Can't wait!

Hope life stops kicking your ass soon!

Author's Response: First off--- thanks for updating, now do it again? Ha. You're a demanding little thing, aren't you? :P Secondly, i shouldn't wait to post another week because you can't hold out that long? Hmm. Must I remind you of a little story about a traveling Logan and an obnoxious kid named Star and a possibly touchable Marie and... oh, darn. what was the name of that one again? I don't know. it's. been. so. long.
pot kettle black, by friend. I'm going to have start a new rule. I'll post mine when you post yours. =P
rnas for the rest--- i'm glad you liked this Logan-less chapter. But I wanted to save him for the next one. Marie and Jean had to have a little relationship mending first, you know?

Reviewer: manda-dee Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/2009 10:18:30 PM Title: Chapter 1


Let me explain something, recently I've been going about my daily life and entertaining myself by reading some stories on the old archive and I need to explain something to you.

THE ONLY REASON I'VE BEEN COMING BACK TO the new archive is because....drum roll please...I NEED TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THIS STORY!!!!!!

I AM DYING!!!!!!!!

Literally, the doctors have come and gone, I'm having withdrawal symptoms and nothing can make me better!!! I've spent a hunk of my spring break reading and writing fanfiction and WHILE I'll be reading A WHOLE OTHER FIC I'll start thinking "ohhhh I wonder if something like that is going to happen in Stamp of Approval hmm.... can't wait to find out...."

EVERY TIME I come to this website, I'm a little hopeful and a little scared waiting to see if you updated! PLEASE! PER FAVOR!!! I'M possessed I'M STARTING TO SPEAK IN DIFFERENT TONGUES!




::falls to the fall in exhausted panic::

Author's Response: lol. oh, amanda. my dear, sweet histrionic friend... how i adore thee. and would never wish death upon you. especially of the torturous fic deprivation variety! i posted a new chapter a few hours ago. Find the energy, fight the withdrawals and go read until you're better!
also, keep the kid. I'll settle for cookies instead. :D

Reviewer: Wytchling Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/18/2009 7:11:22 PM Title: Chapter 19

When are you gonna post the next chapter?!

Author's Response: just posted it last night. better late than never, right?

Reviewer: ChildofLore Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 03/15/2009 1:08:04 AM Title: Chapter 19

NOOOOO! It was all going so good! I feel like curling up into a ball and wailing. I love and hate this chapter.
Poor Logan and Rogue,it was bound to happen, but still...Can't wait for the update, amazing work as usual.

Author's Response: thank you, thank you, thank you. you're right-- it was bound to happen. it had to, right? Marie was just pulling far too many stunts for them not to come back and bite her in the rear. But who knows. Maybe she'll be able to work things out with the people in her life. :)

Reviewer: irishekl Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/13/2009 8:14:00 PM Title: Chapter 19

I almost started crying near the end! I could really feel everyone's emotions in this chapter. You do a wonderful job of making the characters "real".

Great job!

If this was going to be turned into a movie, who can you picture playing Marie and Logan? They can't be Hugh Jackman or Anna Paquin..hehe

Author's Response: thanks the the complimenting review. as far as your question, though--- I have to say, they could definitely be played by Hugh and Anna. In fact, I have a proof thanks to another reader. And I'll share said proof when i post the next chapter. ;)

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