The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Ok... just read this through for the Billionth time, and I STILL WANT THAT EPI!
Hell, if you don't like the way they reconciled, rewrite it, and post it as a new story w/ a different ending... Back in the REALLY old days when I was a hardcore Moonie (Sailor Moon, that is), I'd read fics I loved, then come back to them months later only to find that they'd been changed, and now were "newer, better" versions of the originals... You could do the same... NO ONE would mind... I promise!
wow. this is such a great story. I had forgotten how much I loved it until I went back and read it again!!!
Wowie!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!! :D Fantastic Job!
Sob. So sad this has come to an end so quickly, it's so good and so much fun I would have happily waited 5wks for lots more fights between Logan+Rogue!
Still, you did a good job of wrapping it up succinctly whilst not losing the intensity. The conversation between them whilst short was adequately tense.
and the pleading line “Tell me you’re still serious.” was so sweet.
Lots of fun stuff too..
I cracked up at the line "If that doesn’t work, I’m going to tie him up and give him oral sex until he breaks down and takes me back.”
and later when she dropped him to the floor and told him to admit he loved her I cracked up again 'cause I'm sure she would have even gone through with it if she'd had to! ha ha
Sorry you're having to work such long hours, looking forward to more stories when you get the time.. I'll see if I can think up any AU ideas to suggest ;)
I'd love it if you stick to no powers.. it's such a nice break from the untouchable skin and all that!
Well, this is definatelt the best and my most favorite story out of all the stories I have read. Believe me I have read a lot! lol But I do have some ideas for you. 1.) Scott and Logan are brothers and Scott's best friend/crush comes to town. 2.)Logan,Remy, and Sabertooth run a club that hunt down mutant scientists and Logan finds a southern belle he wants for his mate.
Just some ideas and again this is the best I've read. Phenomenal job!!
This was wonderful! I kinda think it was the perfect ending. Espically if we get that epilogue. *grins*
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You finally put up a new chapter! It was great. They're great together! I love it.
Best AU ever. All your characters were so consistent, so real, so likable, believable and relatable that it was easy to get lost in this AU and kind of forget they have powers anywhere else.
I'm sad to see this one end but I love the wrap up and am excited to read the epilogue. That said, I'll be sad that I won't get that little jump of excitement when I see "Stamp of Approval" in the Most Recently Updated section. Seeing it in there unexpectedly when you've been so busy working was like waking up to presents when you forgot it was Christmas.
I can't wait to see your future fics.
i'm so sad that this amazing story is (almost) over - but so happy they're back together, yay!! =)
oh and i liked the fight, that was a good idea ^^
Simple and to the point...a good way to end the story. Looking forward to the epilogue.
AHHHH!!!!! YEAAHHH!!!!!!!
I literally just finished writing chapter six of WYCF and I came on here to post it and I saw on that little side tab thingy on the welcome page MOST RECENT STORY: STAMP OF APPROVAL and I literally went ::GASP:: and jumped it like a Logan lookalike on the street.
Anyway it makes me want to cry to see this story come to an end! I can't wait to see you write more AU but remember you can always push out a quick one piece- I had a blast with "Revenge" and I'd love to see you do a L/M with powers just because I've grown so accustomed to your L/M.
Plus you blew me out of the water with this story I never expected a no powers fic to be this juicy and it really was just amazing, your talent and stellar writing abilites shined through on every line of this brilliant story. Besides stories where they have powers come with a lot of baggage- his nightmares her mutation yadda yadda yadd.
Really though-this was an epic story and that epilogue, which I'm waited for with baited breath over here, will be like Christmas! The best Christmas ever where it rains money and Logan and Marie smut lol-can't wait! I hope you go on to write many fabulous more L/M stories because I'm already anxiously awaiting them.
oh and OH OH OH lets please not forget about the possibility of sequels-those things only have massive potential! ; )
This has to be one of the BEST AU stories around here!!
But...where on earth have you disappeared to?
Author's Response: okay, best AU story around? Yup. I think i love you. ;) and i haven't disappeared. at least, not inentionally. i'll be posting again real soon. promise.
Ooh, can't wait to see what the Plan is!
I can't believe Rogue was calling Logan before 6am on a Sunday morning... that's a sure fire way to drive a guy off!! Crazy woman.
I loved Bobby's line "He’s better off without you. I wouldn’t subject an enemy on you, much less a friend."
followed by Kitty's self-assured, woman in charge, “Tell me what you want and I’ll have Bobby do it.” ha ha
Sad to hear that this story will be coming to an end soon, you sure you don't want Logan to get into some boxing circuit trouble or conglomerate takeover bid for his gyms and Rogue have to help him out with her super techie skills and mad planning? ;-)
Looking forward to your next A/U already... hats off to you, I'm totally impressed that you work so hard and still find time to write so well!
Author's Response: alright, you're totally pushing for a sequal. and with great ideas, too! but i think it's pretty safe to say that when this one ends it ends. however if someone else wanted to write a sequel... *hint hint* i'm sure something could be arranged. ;)
thanks for the wonderful review. any ideas for the next AU?
OK, I just stayed up all night reading this... I NEED MORE! Please!
Author's Response: wow. you stayed up all night to read this? and you still want more?? :o what a wonderful compliment. i've got the next chapter coming up later this afternoon. keep your eyes open.
need more! oh my god do i need more! and I'm dying to know what will happen with logan and marie! more soon please!
Author's Response: thanks. :) the next one will be up soon. hope i didn't leave you waiting *too* long.
oh my god, not to put any pressure on your but PLEASE update as soon as you can! i can't take the suspense!
Author's Response: next chapter is coming up soon!
oh, i was waiting for the whole use-logan-to-get-bobby-back-but-that-plan-is-over-but-logan-ginds-out-and-they-have-a-big-fight scene.
thank god that didn't happen! YAY!
Author's Response: :)
"Are you ready, Marie?" He whispered huskily.
oh my god, EVERYONE who's reading this is ready! AAAGGGHHH!
Author's Response: lol. are you even taking breaks between chapters? :P
smoldering, smoking, pants on fire hot!
Author's Response: :)
oh my god, she is sooooo stupid! jump logan and tell him your love him, please, forget bobby right now now now! can you tell i am totally into this chapter by chapter?
god, this is great. loving it!
Author's Response: heh, yeah. this is pretty fun for me actually. all of these chapters seem so long ago that it's refreshing to read your reviews on them!
seski! drool, pant, yummm!
p.s. the mental image of logan in a bumper car was priceless! this is FANTASTIC writing!
Author's Response: thanks. i don't think anyone's ever put him in a bumper car before?
"Warren did a white man’s bop with his head." oh my god, i can totally see him doing that! i laughed so hard!
Author's Response: glad you liked it. :)
Wonderful stuff. I'll make this short and sweet, I want more.
Author's Response: i'll make this short and sweet, too: thanks. it's coming.
yay sexy fight scene coming up i hope!
Author's Response: :)
logan nipple yummmm.
Author's Response: oh wow, you're going way back. either you enjoyed this chapter and this is your first time reading?