The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
awww.. it like it..
but please i have to know how she snags the Wolverine...cause we all know that she does..
great job.
you might want to break up the paragraph some. Its a little hard to read all bunched up like it is. Also you might consider using a spell check before posting more. I noticed at least 5 or 6 spelling and grammar mistakes. I like the idea of this story though. With some more work I think you could really make it into a story that will draw readers.
Author's Response: i just kinda had the idea to write it last min while i was at work. I never got to do spell check or anything lol. i just pretty much typed it in the little box and posted it. that's when I realized i never got to proof read it before i posted it lol So that's why i'm taking my time on chapter 2 and i'm actually going to repost chapter 1 in a day or two. so I hope u'll like it better after i get to actually take my time with the rest of the chapters to come. Thank you again for being honest! I really appreciate it!
I'm happy you started this story. I'm interested to see where it goes ....
Author's Response: thanks! I'm really excited with where I wanna take this story so i hope you enjoy it!
This story great. Can you make smaller paragraphs next time, kinda hard to follow all bunched up. xXx
Author's Response: you got it! thanks for the feedback!
the beginning of your story sounds good and i'd like to see how it goes on :)
but you should consider editing your writing before posting it, because you're switching perspectives in the middle.
and a few paragraphs would make it easier to read :)
Author's Response: I know I didn't get to read it over because I wrote it while at work lol So I think I might ever go over it tonight and re post it. but I thank you for the honest feedback!