Reviews For Bring Her Home
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Reviewer: Wolf CrescentWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/03/2010 1:57:39 AM Title: Chapter 1

Spell check, grammar check, or get a beta - you packed a lot of punch into a tiny space, which is good. The barrage of typos, punctuation errors, etc. is incredibly distracting. You've got a good start - don't stop!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I do have to agree that alot of my early stuff is full os mistakes. I have the stories in my head but my skill in grammar is often lacking, i now have a beta and I hope these first storie do not put you off reading the new ones.

Reviewer: Moviemom44 Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2009 1:14:04 PM Title: Chapter 1

Color me shocked. Who would have expected 66 words to have this much emotional punch? WOW. Big WOW.

What's next?


Author's Response: Don't like the next bit going to close my eyes while I write it. Huh isn't thtat how I normally write

Reviewer: White Dove Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2009 12:41:17 PM Title: Chapter 1

short and sweet. like it. but you might want to spell check and grammar check. I saw several errors in this.

Reviewer: Anami Signed [Report This]
Date: 10/09/2009 11:47:29 AM Title: Chapter 1

Yes! Short and to the point...just like Logan.

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