The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Spell check, grammar check, or get a beta - you packed a lot of punch into a tiny space, which is good. The barrage of typos, punctuation errors, etc. is incredibly distracting. You've got a good start - don't stop!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I do have to agree that alot of my early stuff is full os mistakes. I have the stories in my head but my skill in grammar is often lacking, i now have a beta and I hope these first storie do not put you off reading the new ones.
Color me shocked. Who would have expected 66 words to have this much emotional punch? WOW. Big WOW.
What's next?
Author's Response: Don't like the next bit going to close my eyes while I write it. Huh isn't thtat how I normally write
short and sweet. like it. but you might want to spell check and grammar check. I saw several errors in this.
Yes! Short and to the point...just like Logan.