The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
lol, that was great. And kinda sweet. I love clueless guys who learn little chunks of wisdom such as these...
This was HILARIOUS!!! As well as some very wise advice, I do believe he's finally beginning to figure out us girls! *snicker*
lol. very cute and fluffy and the last line is fab! This, my son, is the best knowledge I can give you on dating: These movies lie. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you're born. Love, Dad.
"I'm looking forward to seeing you when you're born. Love, Dad." Such a sweet close to a cute little story. x awesome.
I love it.
Especially the "Love,Dad" part.
Author's Response: Yeah seeing babies everywhere 'cause my best friend just had one 2 days ago
Can you just imagine Wolverine in a dress shop? "Well, uh, about your size, I guess. Could I touch your...oh, no...Ow!...guess not..." I'm still giggling... --Wendie
Author's Response: Your review made me laugh so loud the person I'm working with now thinks I'm a little more strange. I love the thought of him standing under the wrong window with Scott throwing things at him. Seems only fair to let Scott get revenge sometimes.
But I LIKE throwing against the wall!!!! It looks so sexy.
Author's Response: Well it is Logan still with all that metal could be dangerous
Hahaha. Too true and too cute. (but if it was Logan doing these things i might just let them slide, lol)
Author's Response: So would I