The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
This was an excellent piece and as much as the hug scene, and the Bobby and Kitty scene and the "Why spoil the surprise?" scene just made me go all "AWWW!!!" My most favorite part was hearing about how Marie really GAVE IT to Ororo. Those are the EXACT arguements that I've always had running around in my head whenever a story comes around where Marie takes the cure and 'Roro has her cow! Nicely done! So glad to know other author's feel the same!
Im so sorry, I left that review when I was PMSing and pissed off at other things, and I took it out on you. Thanks for taking it so well. Also I didn't know until just a few days ago that was how it was in the comics. Ill delete it now. Again, sorry
Author's Response: thanks for that, hope you're feeling better now. hobbits away, hey!
Know I’ve read this before but in case I didn't review I will now happily rectify. This was a really nice and plausible progression from the films. I love the hug scene, something small but came across so natural. Just enough said/thought to finish where you did. Good job well done x
Author's Response: another overdue thanks. as always it was lovely to hear from you, and i'm glad you found this plausible: i was really trying to write that moment when both parties in a relationship realise that one of them has grown up whether the other was ready or not, and i was afraid it would come out mawkish. it's cheering to be told it didn't. it's funny, but this was my first ever rogan fic, so it has a really special place in my heart, and i'm delighted you enjoyed it. thanks again :-)
eeeeeeee well done! i hope there is more stories where that came from. or make it a series? plz?
Author's Response: i'm looking through my old fics and saying thanks where it's due for reviews. so thank you for this one ;-) you probably don't remember writing the above, but in case you were wondering, the story of this rogue and logan was actually continued in "Still-life," which is another fic of mine (in case you were curious). anyway, thanks again
LOL! like the Wolverine needs a shotgun!
love this story, and soooooo right for Rogue to tell Storm where to stick it. i always resented the way Storm gave er a hard time in the movies, like she knew what was best for a girl with the suckiest mutation ever.
Author's Response: i wholeheartedly agree with the above (though i admit i'm really late in getting back to you on it). anyway, thanks for the review and i'm glad you enjoyed this, hobbits away, hey!
"Why spoil the surprise?" I love that line!
Author's Response: me too, glad you enjoyed. and a way overdue thanks for the review
Thank you so much for sharing this here. Outstanding! I love how they both accept their new roles as a natural progression in their relationship instead of turning tail and running. Did you ever write the visit to New Orleans or the meeting with Remy? I'm sure they would be every bit as wonderful as this is. --Wendie
Author's Response: hey again wendie, (i decided to respond to all the reviews on my standalone stories, since i got to thinking that it was a bit rude of me to not have done it before. many apologies love, for such negligence). anyway, i just wanted to say thanks for this review: i'm always thankful for feedbac). i did in fact write a sequel to this, which became "Still-life." (you gave me several lovely reviews for that too, so cheers again) hobbits away, hey!
Loved the last two lines! (well the whole thing in general, but the last part was priceless :)
Author's Response: glad you enjoyed, and thanks for this review too. hobbits away, hey!