The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Wow!!!! I'm used to Logan being written so cold hearted but I think that's a first to see Marie that way. That was intense and heart breaking
Bad or good drawing those kind of emotions take talent
That sound you just heard was all the air, hopes, dreams, fantasies and pretty much LIFE of Logan, aka 'The Wolverine' getting flushed right down the tubes.
Author's Response: That *is* what I meant it to feel like. I think I succeeded. Love makes us vulnerable.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! she's a bitch in this!
nice one, totally did not see that coming!
Author's Response: Thank you.
:-( I just can't quite see Rogue being so cruel. I might be able to if there were some background in there--why would she act that way? Say that to him? It just didn't seem like there was a reason, I guess, and that's what disturbed me the most.
Author's Response: She didn't really care. She's just having a good time. To her, it's just a game. She was just flirting. Perhaps she doesn't realize (or if she does, she doesn't care) that to him it's not a game.
Slam dunk through the heart and into the raw nerves.
Author's Response: Yup. Just cut to the chase.
Wow that was cold. But I really don't see Marie saying that. Considering she still is a mutant, her mutation is just suppressed. I want to cry for Logan. In fact I am actually sniffling here.
Author's Response: Yes, it was cold. He loves her. She's playing with him. And Wolverine, who can't be hurt, is vulnerable only to her. The Rogue I like wouldn't have said what my Rogue said. The Rogue I like wouldn't be so offhandedly cruel. If what I wrote and the way I wrote it made you cry--I think that's a compliment. Thank you.rnrnI am going to my hand at writing a happy Rogan fic, at least the beginning and the ending will be happy. I've got it brewing in my head right now.
Talk about a punch to the gut! Yikes!!!
Author's Response: Yep. It was. A pure emotional punch to the gut.