The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Ok I love this story! I just have a bad feeling that Marie is gonna really get hurt bad by Logan. Please update soon!
I loved this chapter and thanks for the fast update!
WOOHOO! take that chance hon!
i cant wait for next chapter. thats all u need to know lol.
That was really cute. I wish Jean would fall down the stairs and die so Logan and Marie can be together. The waterfall was romantic. It reminded me of this rock in Revelstoke, BC. It's romantic. Good job.
Great story so far! I love the way Marie realized that she's happy with Logan and that they have more than just friendship going on between them.
Please update soon!
omg omg omg!!! i loveeee it! I can't wait for you to update the story.
I like how they are both unsure and hesitant about their relationship. The last bit about Rogue not taking chances gave more depth to her character.
I so very much want Logan to be there to catch Marie when she takes the plunge. I hope she figures out that going for the not-safe choice can be so much more rewarding.
I loved this chapter. Logan is clearly in love with Marie. He is scared to tell her. And just as clearly Marie is in love with Logan but not admitting it to herself. Great chapter. More please! soon!
more please
Jeans stupid. AND she stinks. (Logan told me) xXx
Lovely, lovely, lovely chapter. That 'almost kiss'...well...what can I say? Gorgeous! Oh, and please don't let Logan marry Jean. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I can't believe it... *keels over*
Yeah, that's rough isn't it, if we can't rely on our instincts anymore: two things that feel right and still won't go together. Whichever decision we take, it'll be wrong and it'll hurt someone or other. Us in each case. Sometimes so much that even the decision we take will feel so wrong afterwards that we cannot live it, and it all comes crashing down.
Just rambling.
I'm sure you have a very firm idea of what'S right and what's wrong in this situation here... :-)
they getting married? wat? WHAT? NOOOOOOOOOO! next chapter cant wait
You're not the tease--- frickin' Logan's the tease! "We can't just ignore our feelings, Rogue" and then "Oh yeah, I'm marrying Jean." What the heck! I'm not gettin' this guy. I'm really enjoying the first person POV with Rogue in your story. And the story as a whole. :o) I'm sure by the end my frustration at Logan will be resolved.
I think that Jean best screw up big time so Logan will not feel guilty for dumping her and Marie will mend his broken heart. That's what I think! (sniffles, Jean and Logan being engaged is making me cry) waaaaa!
That was so good. im really impressed. they really should kiss, i think it would be really cute.
OMG Update soon!!))
i love this story, cant wait for next chapter
You ever get that feeling, like your lungs inflate and you can't exhale because it'll mean the end of something that you don't want to end? Yeah, this chapter did it for me. Update soon! I love love LOVE this story!
This story is so cute! I did rage and had to re-read the fact that Logan bought a house with the she-hoe. But I like where it is going! Yay! I have a new story to follow!
oooh, naughty naughty. xXx
Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute! So cute! :-)
“You two are just adorable.” - awwww, they really are, aren't they?