The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I have no problem with shameless and there is no reason to be embarrassed. Go where your muse takes you.
I'm on board! Looking forward to the next installment.
Author's Response: Hooray! Oracle is on board the Smut Express! :-D Thanks for reviewing!
I really really like this. I like the set up, I think it is basically believable. I think Logan would do any - any thing to stay out of a lab -again.
Author's Response: I'm glad you like it! Thanks so much for your review!
i giggle at the thought of emma frost running a brothral(sp?)i mean, if blondie was suposed to be emma frost. anyway,i like that you had logan use his brain as apposed to just going beskerk. can't wait for the next chapter!
Author's Response: Ha, I had not actually thought of that. She wasn't actually meant to be anybody we know, but in your honor I think I'm going to change it. I don't know much about Emma Frost, but I guess all manner of sins can be explained by AU, right? ;-)
It's a new premise that I haven't seen before, which is very good. So wherever the allusive "First Time For Every Plot" muse skipped off to - track it, follow, it, capture it.
Really, this has the potential to be one hell of a story. I noticed that you hit a bit of a sticky situation with The Prisoner after one of the chapters - not sure where you wanted to take the story. So, just take your time with this one because it seems like it's a gem. I'm finding that writing a bunch, getting a few chapters ahead, before posting helps a bunch! Flesh things out (no pun intended...well, maybe) in your head, create a rough plan, and don't worry about rushing the updates. An original plot and original dialogue are WELL worth the wait.
I'm excited to see where this goes :D
Author's Response: Aw, what a sweet thoughtful review, and I will say straight out that this story in no way warrants it. ;-) No plot points to get snagged on, this is going to be total, fluffy, popcorn-style PWP. But thanks!