The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Another of your fics going into my favourites!!! This was amazing!
That was excellent. I have to say, after reading some of your other fics, I was a little nervous that it would be an ending that left me sad...But I'm sooooo happy to find out I was wrong! Lovely! Just what I needed... :) Thanks!
ha ha Kurt to the rescue! Logan is such a thickhead sometimes! hello she LOVES you, not just loves you stupid!
ugh, Logan you couldn't have said that while she was in the room? instead you had to sound all selfish of course! but what would a good Rogan story be w/out some misunderstandings and angst?
Heh, for awhile I thought this was going to end really angsty...guess I was wrong. Go Logie!
This story isn't done right? :(
Author's Response: It's done.