The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
So far I am loving this. I really am interested in Rogue with these powers. I can't wait for the next chapter!
thank you for your patience :)
I like it! The dialogue was good, both external and internal, and you weren't too heavy-handed with the internal dialogue. Still getting my bearings though...when you say, "Logan is nowhere to be found because he was the one who had to kill Jean at Alkali Lake," did you mean at Alcatraz? I thought at first that the first scene was just meant to be an "outtake" but fit in with the movies, but now I'm not sure what from X3 was meant to have happened or not, especially with Scott alive but Xavier dead. Maybe you'll clarify later, though. And I know you said to ignore spelling/grammar, but if you could add space between the paragraphs it would be *much* easier on the eyes!
Author's Response: first of all, lemme just say i NEED to get on your fanfic PRONTO. you have some juicy plots that i must discover :D rni thought she was killed at Alkali Lake cos that's what i've read from other fics and from sites, but i double-checked and you're right; she was killed at Alcatraz. i shall fix that, thank you :) rnrnand also, someone else mentioned the spacing and i can't figure out how to fix it manually, so i'm gonna try to upload it from a document. i have a mac, so idk if that could be the problem? O.o eh, whatevs, i'll get on it. thanks for reviewing!!! <3
eh, sorry 'bout that. i thought it'd be better. i'll fix it soon.
The new formatting is even worse to read than before. the centering is hard on my eyes. hitting return after the end of every paragraph would help a lot.
So far I really like it a lot. The only thing i would change is the format. It was difficult to read with it all together like that. I would recommend adding spaces between the dialog and paragraphs so it doesn't all run together.
Author's Response: you know... i think you're right with the format. i haven't checked it yet but i knew for some reason it was a bad idea to copy & paste it as opposed to just uploading the file from word. the stupid stuff i do when it's 2 in the morning and i'm uploading fanfic, lol. sorry about that- i'll get it up in the correct format in a jiffy.rnrnand btw, thanks for saying you liked it!