The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
MAN!! To have it together like that at twenty-one!! Obviously, a lot of sh** had to be gone thru, but still....I'm (the age I am, a good bit past 21) and *I* still don't have it together like that!! Another amazingly written one, rose, amazing.
Wow. Loved it. Deep and moving. And everything I wanted for her. This rocks.
Loved this! Wish there was more of it.
Author's Response: Thank you. :) Sorry about it being a one off! lol That's where the bunny stopped hopping. If course we all know how it ends, right? Happily ever after.
I am grown up. And I am still growing. I am the keeper of Logan's heart and the woman his eyes now follow. I am Rogue. And I am happy.
Best end ever ^_^
Author's Response: Thank you so much. :) ::happy dance:: My muses are enjoying the love!