The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Heartbreaking. Beautiful.
Author's Response: Thanks, you're making my day with your comments.
Oh my goodness, this one made me teary. So good!
Author's Response: Thanks!
Awww... come on man. Now I'm all sad and shit. You did a good job!
Author's Response: Thanks, sorry for the making of sad. Hopefully my next story will make up for it.
This broke my heart, but was oh so good! Plus it reacquainted me with that beautiful cranberries song!
Author's Response: Thank you. That Cranberries' song is a little odd, but so full of imagery.
OMG You broke my heart with that last line.
Author's Response: I'm sorry, but thanks for reading.
You've got a fab story here, very sad but extremely interesting & intriguing:)
Author's Response: *blushes* :) Thank you very much.
"Don't leave me now. I'm just starting to fall in love with you." Oh gods!! THERE'S the heartbreaker!
Wow, I need a stiff drink and a long cry. This is my character death story for the year (or 5 years, I'm a bit of a chicken!) still absolutely lovely though, well done! Hope this won't be the last story of this awesome series, so addicted to it!
Author's Response: I'm sorry. I dislike character death stories also. Thanks for sticking with it. This will not be the last one. I'm working on a multi-chapter story right now.
This is wonderful! What I understood from the new movie is that as time wears on the memories of the old timeline fade and are replaced by new memories from the current timeline, almost as if they had always been there. Are you planning something like that? Can't wait for the rest, if you need a sounding board or a beta let me know!!
Author's Response: Thank you. I had not seen a discussion on the movie about Logan's memories like that, so I hadn't planned along those lines. Thanks for the offer, I'll keep it in mind.
Aww, sad, sad story, still loving it though, and looking forward to more!
Author's Response: Thanks, hopefully I will get it up this week.
Character death? *whimpers* I'm going to be bawling my eyes out by the end of this aren't I? I usually steer clear of character death fics, but damn it's hard to stay away from your stories!
Author's Response: I'm sorry to drag you into this. I'll bring the tissue box.
Just wanted to say a big ol' Thank You for continuing this series. I just love the many different ways the movie left open for the future to take. Can't wait to see what you explore next.
Author's Response: Aww, thanks. I have couple others stories in the works and hopefully they will be happier than this one.
Woo-hoo! I've been missing your stories like crazy (yes, I know people have things to do other than write fanfic, but I missed it anyway) this looks great, sad, but great, excellent job! Assuming there's more to this coming, hope it'll be soon (ish)!
Author's Response: Thanks, it's nice to know I was missed. :) I've been writing steadily, so there are more stories coming. There is more to this one also. Hopefully next week, but I'm not totally happy with it yet.