The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
OMG! What a cute and original story!! Love the way 'she' stand up for him and wants to protect him and has just SUCH an attitude!! Loved it!
This has to be one of the most unique and original stories I've read on this site! Telling a story from the CAMPER'S POV was sheer genius! And it's so funny and sweet, too. I'm mean the whole jealousy over the motorcycle was too cute! And it gives us yet another reason to hate Sabertooth! Great story from a gifted author.
oh my, loved this guy! And boy was I giggling about that hussy of a motorcycling movin' in on territory that ain't her own! LOL! Sad ending of course, but the rest was just delightful! Makes me wish for an AU where they didn't run into Sabertooth and the X-men :D
What a wonderful little story - and so unusual! I've never seen one told from the camper's point of view before - major kudos for the idea! And knowing how Logan's first encounter with Rogue ended, I was actually starting to feel sad because I knew what was going to happen to the faithful camper. I'll never be able to view that scene in the movie the same way again!
Awww - the poor truck! Nice, original idea and perspective, and well executed!
I loved this! I really did, it was great. And too too funny!
This has to be one of the most unique stories on wrfa. It's also one of the funniest. great read well done x