The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
You know, you had me really going there; I'm reading along and thinking to myself "God, he's making Marie sound like some kind of lapdog!". Imagine my relief and sadness when I realize that you WERE talking about a dog. Very well done.
Oh so sweet, love it!
This if fiction (i know this, yet it didn't help!) and as such should not make you cry, especially when a big bundle of 4 month old fur is wagging it's tail at you as you read, trouble is as your reading your remembering the 10 year old bundle of fur that was here before him.
Loved it. Hate that you did it so well.
*soft chuckle sneaks through sniffs and tear fuzzed eyes*
I somehow knew it was a for legged friend. Would that all could experience the unconditional love and loyalty of a fine dog. Loved it, SM, just loved it!!
Author's Response: that was for my best buddy. Who never minded my Wolverine obsession. hey, he got popcorn out of it when I watched the movies.