The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
amzing, sad, heart-breaking.
you are such a great writer. i love the whole angel/demon dichotomy for both Rogue and Wolverine.
gah, no happy ending here! waaahhh!
and damn that jean for popping up again at the end. hate her!
I knwo I sound like a broken record, but I love the way you describe emotions.
I'm wondering who the readhead is...
Ok maybe its karma or something but I just heard that song in the theater while watching transformers 2! Great movie and this was a great story! Loved it. Glad you decided to keep going with it.
I'm so glad you decided to continue this story and really liked this chapter!
One thing though, great as it is, it feels as if quite a lot of time has passed from what happened in the last one to this one and that a few things are left unexplained...
And oh God...who's the bloody red head at the end?!
I've been reading this series all morning - Loved it, didn't realize it's still in progress and of all the points to end up, I'm here on this evil evil cliffhanger!
please tell me the end is in sight (preferably already written or at least worked out in your head!!!) I have no patience whatsoever, which is why i try not to read anything incomplete!
This is just too damn good - now off with you - no time to read reviews, there's writting to be done!
I forgot - I wanted to give a special mention to the wonderful titles of this set :)
wonderful writing yet again really in-depth powerful stuff! I'm loving it :)
good job i wouldn't trade my hubby for anything - and there's also the fact that i couldn't afford it!!!! great instalment x
your descriptions are fantastic (great visuals while reading!) can't stop must keep reading!!!!!
This was good and I mean really really good. This part really draws you in. Well done x
short little intro but such a powerful start! caught my interest right from the start and curiosity is now telling me i must go and read the rest!
Somehow I managed to miss this last one...jeez! That was one helluva ending!!
I really really hope you continue with this one!!
Damn I'm crying all over the keyboard.
Is there gonna be more of this series?
Author's Response: Yes, lot's more of this series to come, don't be too taken a back by this ending, lets jus' the Phoenix isn't the only one that can rise from the ashes...
well god! that is just heartbrekinbg. Damn Scott for feeding Logan that false information. This is all his fault. I pray that you make this right somehow!!!
Author's Response: Don't worry Scott will get his...and I will make it right...promise! LOL :-)
wow, I was crying by the end of this, very porwerful by far my favorite chapter. is this the end or is there an epilogue.
Author's Response: Glad you liked it, but nope not the end, not by a long shot, LOL, thx for the fb.
What an evil cliffhanger!
Can't wait for more.
OMG this just keeps getting better, please update soon, I'm totally hooked.
Uh-oh...Scott&Jean are in the picture now. I feel sorry for Logan...but I look forward to him seeing Rogue again
Well that's explains a lot!
I wonder if these politicians ever think of what will happen if you kill off a new more evolved human species, what will happen with the 'discontinued model'... uh I'm getting scientific again.
How about a cure for humanity not for mutants or how about getting rid off the old homo sapiens model...
Uh senator Woodhouse-Browne really pissed me off *growls*
No crying this time but still very emotional - me like!
Okay, I didn't realise this was series. Where have I been? I'm off to start at the beginning!
I'm hooked and ready for more!
I'm so happy you're back to writing more of this!! (so please don't disappear again...)
You made me cry again - beautiful but sooooo sad!