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Reviewer: biohelixx Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/19/2009 7:16:02 AM Title: Chapter 5

awwww! I love that she's pregnant and all jealous and all and that it finishes where it began, no less (I'm an Albertan, so I have a soft spot :-) ). And I really enjoyed your OC. Have you written her story yet (hopefully with some doses of Rogan for good measure)?

Looking forward to it!

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/23/2007 11:34:26 PM Title: Chapter 5

Ok, SM, just what the heck are you up to??? You skated real fast through the absorption of Carol; and the jealous spike we all knew was coming when Marie saw Al and Logan together. Now you got one big happy family traipsing back to NY and Marie contemplating the joys of match making. I’ve got a real bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, and it’s not last night’s left over BBQ!!!

Author's Response: I skated through the absorption of carol because I'm not sure how deep to go into it. Marie's making match making plans to keep Al AWAY from Logan, silly. I'm trying to figure out how to make the story something that still has our favorite pair, etc.

Reviewer: ct_xfan Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 09/18/2007 11:24:01 PM Title: Chapter 3

AAAAAAAaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhh!!! Gotta have an update, SM!! That 'it was too good to last' cliffy was just plain mean and nasty!! C'mon already, explain Al and get Marie up there and get with the shippery goodness!!! NOW!! dang it!

Author's Response: *laughs* I promised someone else I'd work this weekend on it (Before "Thinking of you" Sank its teeth into me) I promise it's coming soon! Thnks for the encouragement!

Reviewer: Gwenfrewi Signed star star star star half star [Report This]
Date: 06/22/2007 2:05:41 AM Title: Chapter 3

Oh, this is getting good!!

Author's Response: Why thank you. I've started on the next chapter, let's just hope the folks that are supposed to prod me keep prodding.

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