The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
"some day she won’t love me anymore, and that is the day Xavier has won."
shit, in some ways i hate you ended the story here with Logan's love killed, but i really understand why you finished this story the way you did. angsty in the extreme and gorgeously poignant!
Author's Response: Do I know you? For some strange reason every time when I have a particularly bad day at work, here you are, making my day better by telling me what you think about my scribblings. :)rnrnI'm sure that you read author's notes. From those you already saw the brief history of this one. Not something I intended to write, the story just somehow wrote itself.rnrnMany people were displeased over how this one ended. I was among them. But no matter how I tried, there was no other ending. No matter which way I tried to twist and turn, this was the only ending I could see. I guess it was my subconsciousness (eep. That's probably not even a word. Think of Jiminy Cricket, okay?) trying to tell me that if I kept going the first chapters would have gotten watered down. Back then this had a certain shock-value for me. I'm not in to bloodplay at all. Had I continued, the first chappies wouldn't have held the same appeal to me anymore.rnrnBut thanks again. These rewiew extravaganzas don't come too often. It's good to see that somebody still finds my stories interesting enough to comment them. :)
damn you Xavier!
i think this might be the very story i ever read on this site where i actually LIKE Scott AND Jean! rare!
grrrr, Xavier is a bastard for wiping his mind like that!
i love this story so much, please pardon me for commenting so much but i can't resist!
"You lucky son of a bitch."
ok, that line made me like Scott for once LOL!
heh heh slippers is the safe word
"Logan’s already fast asleep, clutching my teddy against his chest. There are moments, and there are Kodak-moments."
no kidding. what i wouldn't give for that photo!
grosssssss! and sexy and i don't know why! maybe i am a sicko perv like Rogue hee hee!
"Yay, me! I can be a pervert, all by myself!"
ok, that is a great line!
sick, twisted and rather hot.
damn, i am a perv LOL!
'you should stop what you’re doing… You lucky son of a bitch.'
great dialogue, the above had me in stitches!
great smut....
great story....
but I should have known you'd throw some great angst in to finish!
I'm desperately clinging to the hope at the end.
This story sure has some interesting twists!
The end is soooooo sad... but I think there could really be a little bit of hope left.
You know? I was all set to give you fulsome compliments until I figured out it was the end! *lol*
ARA! *stomps foot* DAMMIT!!!
Ok. I loved the twists and turns in this fic. I actually didn't think his lack of love was Xavier at all. I thought it was coming back round to the 'vices' again. He seemed reay to make love to her until she hit the bathroom floor and was scare of him again. He said he never wanted her in that part of his life. I'm *really* not sure I want her in that part of his life either - not in *your* hands! *lol* But I think cutting himself off from that, that fear of himself, made him fear her, made him lose the part of himself that could feel her. I didn't think it had to do with Xavier at all.
And throughout this chapter, I was thinking that I wasn't feeling detachment from him. I was feeling ache and melancholy and loneliness. Numbness. Fear. He thinks she deserves to be loved. He doesn't think he's worthy of her. He still thinks it's something that she cries. I guess I saw those as signs that his love for her hadn't gone. It was all just hiding behind insecurity and impotence and fear.
Well...that's how it goes in my head anyway! *lol* And since you say it's done, I'm going to go ahead and make up an ending like that for them. Where vices somehow save the day.
But I loved this fic - bunny slippers, dark sexual images burned on my brain, humorous love scene, evil Xavier, teary ending and all. I think your fics are only getting better, Ara. I'm constantly amazed. Don't stop.
Author's Response: This was the end. But I'm not ready to let go of this particular story yet. As soon as I get my head sorted out, I'll start a sequel. I got them in to this mess, and now I have to figure out a way to get them out of this.
Nope. Logan's love towards Marie isn't gone. But how he feels right now is all on Xavier. I already have some ideas for the sequel, and things will be cleared on that one.
Thanks for the fb on this one, and other fics you have commented. Appreciated, and given new points of views. :)
Oh, ara - this is painful. The sex scene a few chapters back just cracked me up! But it's deep angst now. Said it before, saying it again: you're an evil woman!
Author's Response: That scene turned a tad bit too humoristic to my tastes, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't find a way to make it another way. and ending in this one, I don't like it much. I hate to leave them in to trouble. As I said earlier, I might write a sequel to this one later.
AAAaaaaarrrrrrgghhh!!! OK, ok, I get 'Adult', I get 'Dark', hey I even get 'Angst' and you didn't even put that one down. But couldn't those genres still get away with a more happy ending than this???
to quote September...
(but I still like the way you write!!)
Author's Response: I might write a sequel. It is possible. Because I hate unhappy endings. But for now... They're together. Maybe it's getting better, maybe not. Thank you for the fb in this one. :)
Okay, now you have THREE stories with completely different Logans/Maries that I just am absolutely in love with. The Logan here just seems so real, and Scott helped them out, which always makes me happy. Please stop toying with my emotions and update soon! :)
Author's Response: Thanks! There are thousand and one reasons why I can't update this as often as I would like to. It takes time to write, English isn't my native language. Then there's my real life. Yeah, I got that one, too... Then there's Logie. Well, now he seems surprisingly happy about how things are turning up, but he can be cranky and stubborn at times.
I'll try to get one more update out tonight before I go to sleep.
ooooooooo, Aran, you are evil!! You just keep drawing this out!! Please tell me the angsty stuff is about over??? My angst metre is about to overflow...and that's not good!!
Author's Response: When story is described as dark, it will be dark and angsty. I left bunny-slippers back to mansion on purpose, you know...
He can't love her? God that Xavier is a bastard. GAAAAAA#*&£W$*&£(£*H()###*&£$!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely brilliant!
I love the way you've turned the mansion into the prison I sometimes think it is and sex between those two will always be difficult I think. You've really tackled this well and I'm looking forward to the rest of them!
Author's Response: I'm flattered. I myself have enjoyed great deal of your "I never wanted this for you..."
Oooooo!!! You really are making Xavier a real pain in the rear, aren't you??
Can't really picture Captain Picard as a baddy, but it goes good with the story!! Keep it up!!
But faster, dang it! Faster!!
Author's Response: Unfortunately school makes things difficult again. I may have something to post tonight, or tomorrow morning. :)
Interesting twist. Somebody must put X behind bars. He's a creep.
Ugh, you're so mean to your characters! A little happiness, then bam- memory loss. So mean.
First of all, I LOVE Peppermint schnapps!
“We fucked! It was good! We’re going to fuck some more in the near future! Get over it!”
Second, I'm slightly confused (no schnapps involved!) whose line is this? Did Logan or Rogue say it? Kinda changes the mood of the scene depending on who said it, ya know?
Author's Response: Next chapter reveals it. Yeah. Peppermint is good. My one and only vice from that department.
"Okay. She’s too young, you’re a bastard, you’re not good for her, you should stop what you’re doing… You lucky son of a bitch."
Author's Response: What's there not to love about? He was kind of uptight in the movies, but not as bad as some writers (me included) usually tend to picture him.
"We fucked the living daylights out of each other."
Haha! Poor Scott. *grins*
Something I noticed: I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but you hop from present to past tense in one scene, and then back to present again. It's a bit confusing, because it makes you wonder where they are now when you suddenly read in past tense. Anyway, I'm still on it. I wonder what X's going to do now. Heh.
Author's Response: Yup. Noticed that myself, too. Have to edit a bit. Thanks.