The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
WWWWWwoooooowwwwww, Wendie...I love how you saw this fic! YES!! I can see it now, now that you've explained it. I agree, the joke IS on Rogue, even in the end, she DOES still want what SHE can't have.
If there were a sequel to this, I think we'd see that come across in spades, I have every faith that Donna would write it just as amazingly and we'd see how Rogue/Marie was now lost in the depths, realizing what SHE lost and at her own hand none-the-less.
This is amazing. I keep thinking of those tavern puzzles that look so deceptively simple on first glance, but then turn out to be brain busters of the highest order. I can see how the previous reviewer was confused, but I think I might have figured a few things out. If I may...the answer to all of ct_xfan's questions is in the question Logan's tormentor posed--"Why do people always want what they cannot have?" Rogue 'killed' Marie to spare herself the pain of never being what Logan wanted, and then as soon as Marie was 'dead' Logan realized what he'd lost, but it was too late. In the end, the joke is on Rogue, because as she says herself -- "I STILL want to." (be the Marie that Logan imagines her to be). She, too, still wants what she can't have -- all the love Logan felt for Marie. --Wendie
That is one scary fic! You set it in the X1 universe, but I have absolutely no idea how you came up with the 'background'. What the hell did he do, or not do, that 'killed' Marie and brought this roaring bitch to the front? Why does she do these things to him, why does she want him dead? Donna you've got me so confused!!
But great writing, absolutely great writing!!