The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
I've read this series a couple of times now & I don't know why I've not reviewed or added to my favorites. Well I'm fixing that because I am in love with this. There have been a lot of different takes on X1, but I have to say that the way you incorporated those scenes into your writing is effortless & brilliant. I'm pretty blown away that you can incorporate your own original slant w/ Southaven & Carol Danvers into X1 & what you've written before Logan & Marie meet up with the X-geeks.
I so love how this series is written too. The dialogue is very clever, especially Rogue's. I really appreciate how you've balanced out all of the intricacies of her personality considering she's so young, but has so many borrowed life experiences rattling around her brain.
This is something that I'll definitely come back & rad over again & again. I know it's been a while since the series has been updated, but if you do come back & add to it I will keel over from happiness.
Author's Response: I had plans to do all of X2 and X3, but I really wanted to do an X3/Origins-compliant fic so I started The Cure for Questions, and I also have this *other* fic set thirty years after the trilogy that has to do with the Legacy virus in mind...Too many plot-bunnies, not enough discipline to sit down and *write* already. Eventually I get things done. Eventually. But, for now, we're going to have to call this fic done. So glad you enjoy it enough for multiple reads. :D
This is a fantastic series. I've read it several times, and enjoy it just as much as the first read every time. I hope you do plan on continuing when you have time.
I just read the entire series of stories for Dark side of the moon. I really like it. Update as soon as you can :D
Please, oh please, continue this...
Wow; I'm really enjoying this series! I felt that that the movies made Rogue out to be a weak chit of a girl, but your retelling is definitely making that all better!
Will you be continuing this? I have just read all chapters and enjoyed it a lot. Especially your Rogue!
I love this series - and I hope you continue it soon. I cannot wait to see the rest of your take on X1!
Ah, continuation. There's nothing quite like it in storytelling. A truly wonderful start to another beautiful story. I'm looking forward to the rest more than I can say.