The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Author's Response: Logan pantsing...yumm.
Alright now that was funny as hell!!!
MUHAHAHA(stupid sounding evil laugh)
OMG thatwas so funny and I was thinking out loud how to comment so my dad started lookin' at me funny and asked who the hell I was talkin' to. He still won't beleive I was talking to myself!
I'm crazy, huh?!
Author's Response: we are alllll crazy. esp. me for writing that heh heh.rnrni think my favorite was the pantsing. simple, classic. and what's a Rogan fanfic without Logan's pants coming off in one fashion or another?
Ye-HAW! Oh man, you did it!
Author's Response: i know, and i am TIRED today for it. whew!
Awesome!!! Simply awesome! Never saw the fake orgy coming... nice touch, that bit had my eyeballs popping out of my head. Definitely outdid yourself, my dear!! Brava! Brava!
Author's Response: the orgy idea just kinda pounced on me out of the blue while i was writing the last chapter last night. the mental imagery was just too amusing to pass up, esp. when Logan saw where Remy's hand was.
You got an hour and a half, missy!!
Author's Response: Just posted the next to last chapter. Final one will be posted by midnight. Sorry for the hour later than promised, but I must get more beer to finish this LOL!
Go Juniors!!! Alphas deserve it.
Author's Response: they so do. especially Logan, he is too annoying sometimes.
OMG!! Sami...Pikachu AND the Bedazzler treatment?!? You are EVIL!!!
I don't usually have a fic make me cringe like that! Oh I hope you know what your doing. I insist the ending be as good as this beginning. Get to it. Chop chop, dear.