The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Why did I wait 20 chapters before I decided to read this? I have no idea. It's awesome! SO well-written, and the story is tumbling along at the perfect pace. I hope you keep updating quickly, and if I'm reading Nae-Nae's bones right a little Jubilee/Remy action might be to come? Thanks for sharing this story with me!
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! You done read d'em bones good, cher. Thank you for reading my little fic.
Yum, what a nice wake up call. And I'm glad he go so angry over this. Maybe she won't have that niggling insecure voice causing doubts and hurts coming up soon.
Author's Response: Thanks! I have to admit it was shameless prepping for a line Marie has been dying to say...I can't wait to write that scene and find out if it was as unique and badass as I have been thinking it will be.
Well, she sure pissed him off, huh? Goodness! I love a man who knows how to make a point! ;)
Author's Response: Yeah, I figure we needed to get the Jeannie question settled. You know he was fairly ticked, but I think he handled it well. Marie will need to make the guy a bundt cake or something. Thank you for the faithful reviews.