The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
No words to say how much i love this!
Loved this one! You managed to fool me regarding Logan's feelings until Marie absorbed his thoughts. Wonderfully done!
Fantastic! Emotional and wonderfully smutty. Just great job!
Absolutely gorgeous story. So much heat & sweetness!
I don't know if I've reviewed this story, but I have definitely read it at least twice. Love this story; very well done. Wish there was an epilogue or a sequel or something... awesome story!
Just reread this to take a break from school work. Wow, it's wonderful. Love it!
i just wanted to say, i really liked this. i pretty much read the story as you were posting it, and i kept meaning to leave a review. i loved the way you made the relationship real and not idyllic (especially their first encounter, because that's never perfectly choreographed and spectacular. you made marie into a very realistic young woman with realistic insecurities and you managed to do the same with logan while keeping him in character. well done :-)
Author's Response: Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review :). So glad you liked the story. I've been meaning to read yours and September's and Jaq's work as soon as I'm finished with 'Feral.' Yeah, first encounters are always a little awkward. But I really think that's part of what makes them so special and sweet, ya know? I do look forward to writing a sequel to this, in which they *ahem* learn to choreograph things a bit more spectacularly ;).
I agree with Serafim. Structuring the chapters the way you did really made me get to feel their emotions as things were slowly revealed. Great job
Author's Response: Thanks for the read and the review. I'm glad you liked the structuring as well. I can't say that I'm entirely happy with this story, but it was the first W/R piece I imagined, so it's got that special place, hehe :).
When I saw that you added this (love the chapter title, lol!) I got all girlee and grinned like an idiot.
The grin stayed on the whole time I read this.
Hot, sexy, funny, awkward, and so damn SWEET. Exactly what it should have been and you delivered it, flawlessly. I am SO happy you joined in the fun, atmd - you are so very, very talented! :)
Author's Response: Awww shucks. Thanks :). I'm really glad to have found this site as well. The quality of the writing here is great & i'm super excited to be a part of it. I think some of the writers here must be professional authors or something 0_o. Heee. Yay for girly grinning. I was doing that as I wrote this as well. So fun to go back in time and remember all the awkwardness and insecurity that comes with growing into your sexuality. I'm really having fun with this Marie, and the movie version of Logan, who seems a bit more insecure and passionate than the movie/comic version. a lot of the inspiration for this was the scene with Jean from X3, where he's struggling to control himself and she has to tell him "It's okay, it's okay". That was just such a sweet, vulnerable moment, and a side of him that doesn't get showcased nearly enough :). Blagh sorry for typos; wrote this on my phone and too lazy to go back and fix!
Author's Response: You took the words right out of Marie's mouth LOL
Next chapter, sequel... whatever just MORE!!!
Author's Response: Haha, sounds good. I'm really liking that idea as well, and am already formulating a sequel in my mind. Need to finish my other work in progress, Feral, but then expect a sequel to this :)
Aw...I'm so glad I was obnoxious in pushing you to write Chapter 13. It was just awesome. I do have a, vivid (i.e. "perverted") imagination, but I would not have been able to imagine such a wonderful scene that fit the characters you established so perfectly. It was sweet, and sexy, and unexpected, and as you say, so very real. A truly great ending to a great story.
Author's Response: Thanks :). You have no idea how many times during the course of this chapter I started to go off in a decidedly NC-17 direction . . . but then . . . thinking about the characters, and Logan knowing how inexperienced she is, I just didn't think he would let things go *quite* that far on their first night, y'know? I wanted it to be good, but also realistic and a little awkward. And there's certainly room for a sequel now, AFTER Feral, lol.
I felt that hug.
Love that you brought in the finger swirl on the hand, and his reaction...Did you hear the sigh that escaped me?
This story was like climbing a staircase - each step changes your perspective despite the difference of only a few inches. So wonderfully done. I don't think I would have gotten the same experience if you put it all into one chapter.
Perfectly, perfectly done. :)
Author's Response: Thanks so much. I'm glad you feel the same way about the chapters. I wasn't trying to be a review whore or anything, lol, I just really felt like it worked in that format :). I'm glad you liked the story, thank you for taking the time to always leave such great feedback, and hope you enjoy the 'lucky chapter 13' the others have convinced me to tack on :)
Love this. Her thoughts, her fear giving way to anxiety as their relationship is cusping on the romantic...fantastic. Utterly, utterly fantastic. Gran is SO right! :)
Again, my heart is in my throat. Up and down, up and down...this is so good...
That last line? Broke. My. Heart.
Poor Logan. :(
***picks self off floor***
Wanted soft dark heat, to bond himself with someone sweet and good and pure.'Nuff said.
Author's Response: Hee :). This was my favorite chapter. Glad you liked it!
Poor Rogue - laughing, then sad, then angry! lol, sneaky, sneaky Logan....
Oh, yippee! Love this. And here I am, heart in my throat in anticipation of what you have planned next and then you go ahead and make me laugh with this:
“Enough . . .” he paused, mulling over his words. He tried a half-smile. “Enough to know you’re nuts.” :) HAH!
Eep. I think I know what's going on....***fingers crossed***... :)
‘Specially that creepy Freud fella. What a perv.
Sorry, I had to insert that here, got a big laugh out of me!
That thing about circling her thumb on his hand? Man. I so get her.
Author's Response: I know, right? There's nothing quite as scary and thrilling as taking that first step in a relationship. And lemme tell you, I have way too much personal experience with the awkward, embarrassing side of relationships. Sometimes it's a little TOO easy to write those moments, LOL.
Aw. Adolescent petting and the thrill they give giving way to scary, big girl desires. Logan to rescue again (love it.)
And here, with a few lines of introspection, you get across her pain over the relationship she once shared with Bobby - still hurts but she's learning to move on - and you deal with Logan's pain over Jean and her very real reaction to the redhead's death. See? Worth a chapter, yessiree. :)
I just love the easy flow here. With a few lines of dialogue, a tease here and there and voila - there is Logan and Marie.
:) Now, I shall go onwards... I saw that you were uploading and FORCED myself to wait until you were done and YES, I will reviewing each chapter....
Author's Response: You freakin' rock. Seriously. I looked at all these reviews and . . . well, I didn't do a happy dance . . . but I did literally have to stand up and move around from excitement. (Okay, I'm lying, I did a happy dance. Don't tell anyone.)
Wow, I loved that story! You killed me with the short chapters on my slooooow cell phone, but it was worth all the waiting. ;-) Such a great characterization of them both, very sexy, nice revelations all around (Marie's insecurity and fear of growing up, Logan's yearnings)...the list of great stuff is endless. I really love playful, ebullient Logan, it's something you so rarely see and so charming. Laughed out loud at "You're black and white and red all over!" But I agree with other reviewers. I think you are missing a lucky Chapter 13. Don't wanna waste a Mature rating, do ya? ;-)
Author's Response: Ha! Sorry, lame 3G, I feel ya. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review. After your suggestion and a couple of others, I went on and added that lucky chapter. Ended up being as long as the whole rest of the story, heh.