The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
What???? Omg, he's turned into Logan! Crazy. Aw man, are they gonna have a throw down? I kinda feel like they might, but I don't want them to. Sigh. So curious to see what they'll talk about...
Author's Response: Yeah, I thought the idea of Scott turning Loganesque was kind of funny. And, it kind of made sense -- he's off on his own, away from the mansion, he has a lot of aggression to get out of his system, and on some level he might have to wonder if he can be the kind of guy Jean apparently prefers. And we know he has the fighting skills, so cage fighting for him just made a lot of sense. Just for you I posted the next chapter early...hope you like how it worked out with the two of them. :-D
Okay so first, I love Scott's fighting name. The Demon - too funny. I also find it really interesting that Scott has morphed into what he probably hates the most - Logan.
Author's Response: Glad you liked it...Syrin came up with that one. :-D And, yes, Scott turning into Logan was a funny enough idea that I just couldn't resist. You've gotta expect that as repentant as Logan may be, it's still gotta rankle him a bit to hear Scooter crowned the King of the Cage!