The Wolverine & Rogue Fanfiction Archive
Barely Legal Since 2000
Chef's kiss. Perfection.
THAT was the most AMAZING way to start my vacation!! Wonderfully done!!!
Just perfection, glad these two got to have a good smutty time after all they've been through!
Author's Response: Thanks glad you like it.
Yay for a smutty chapter 2! Thanks for such an awesome fic, I hope in the future you will try another Logan/Marie/Laura fic, because I loved this!
Author's Response: Thank you, there is a more extensive fic I'm plotting out right now, where I hope to do a more complete au of Logan.
Sigh. Lovely with nice bit of smut. I love it, and so wish it had been the real ending to Logan. Very nice!
Author's Response: Thank you, the movie might not have the ending I prefer but it has be inspiring.
Such a great great job putting them together in a "Logan" movie version...
Author's Response: Thank you, glad to know you enjoyed the story, and welcome to the archive.
Man, this is good! I love the sad sweetness of this. Even though I haven't seen Logan (yet) I know I'm going to wish this was the real ending.
Author's Response: Thanks so much, I just watch the movie today is was great but so sad. I hope to see more alternate ending for the Movie too, Logan deserves a happy ending.
I'm thinking a smutty part to wrap up the fic would be the icing on the cake for this already wonderful story. I'm so excited there's been some great AU rogan fic for this movie already, here's to many more! (Fingers crossed!)
Author's Response: Thanks, the second part might be delayed a bit, I just saw the movie and I'm still reeling from the ending.
Logan and rogue = Laura is all I want . This was so good!
Author's Response: Thank you glad you enjoy the story. I'm a fan or W + R = L too, I plan on incorporating this into more fics.
So love this! *happy sigh* All the regret of the past turned into acceptance and love. If only we were getting this at the end of the movie, I could die a happy fangirl.
Author's Response: Thank you! Now that I've seen the movie I think I need to add extra sugar to the next part.