Reviews For Virus Alert
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Reviewer: TrickyBusiness Signed [Report This]
Date: 06/21/2011 12:13:33 AM Title: Chapter 1

You can't help but love Beast. He's to lovable. Great job!
I wish I could be there to see Logan sing, dance and ham around. I'm sure it would be a hilarious show. ;oD

Reviewer: Wolf CrescentWalker Signed star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/03/2007 3:05:29 AM Title: Chapter 1

LOL! I love humor stories, and Beast and Logan just bounce off each other so well. Thanks!

Author's Response: All credit for anything good Hank wise I ever do should go to ByOwlLight. She's the best Beast person I've EVER met.

Reviewer: Ashnan Signed star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/02/2007 10:09:18 PM Title: Chapter 1

I love this. Logan and Hank, you showed the contrast well.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: wolveriness90 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/01/2007 4:21:34 PM Title: Chapter 1

LOL!!! Oh man! Well I have to say, while not pure foof, it was still hillarious! Great job, chica!

Author's Response: I tried, chica, I did. I don't know HOW that serious note snuck in there. I blame the nyquil! I think I'll try to leave Logan doing Canadian Idiot to September though. I'm not sure I'm woman enough.

Reviewer: September Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/01/2007 6:55:17 AM Title: Chapter 1

Woohoo! I love allsingingalldancing!Hank - bless him. *sniggers* This was funny - thanks :o) LoL - especially the butt shaking! LMAO!

Author's Response: Logan doing Weird Al's Canadian Idiot is all yours, babe. I think I've proven, no, I really CAN'T do foof. But hey. It wasn't Angst!

Reviewer: bima140277 Signed star star star star star [Report This]
Date: 02/01/2007 6:17:27 AM Title: Chapter 1


Ashnan Etana made a video using the song 'Canadian Idiot'.

Author's Response: ummm who? *looks befuddled*

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