Summary: Food, flirting, and flesh - on a hot summer's night.
Categories: AU Characters: None
Genres: PWP
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: Ice Cream
Chapters: 1
Completed: No
Word count: 987
Read: 3316
Published: 05/03/2007
Updated: 05/03/2007
Chapter 1 by Wolf CrescentWalker
Author's Notes:
It’s PG-13 (I think...), and Rogue’s legal and touchable. See recipe at the end. No spoons were used in the consumption of this ice cream, in case you’re wondering.
The August heat made Logan lazy. Rogue looked down from her bedroom window and saw him sprawled over a chaise lounge. Clad only in snug cut-off jeans with the battered straw cowboy hat thrown over his face, he lay sleeping in the shade. As her eyes grazed slowly over his recumbent form, muscles gleaming with a brief flush of suntan, Rogue formed a plan.
* * * * *
Logan swivelled on his barstool and raised the Eyebrow of Disapproval. Rogue lugged the wooden bucket and it’s internal contraption to the bar.
“What the hell’s that?”
“It’s a crank ice cream freezer. I got it at the junk shop next door.”
“And how do you intend to get it home? It’s not gonna fit in the saddlebag.”
“I’ll hold it.”
“You’re supposed to hold on to me when we’re ridin’.”
“Sugar, you’re jealous!”
* * * * *
Rogue stirred the bubbling custard on the mansion’s stove. Men liked food, flirting, and female flesh. If her plan didn’t make Logan finally see her as a grown woman, nothing would. She let the pot cool, then shoved it in the fridge for the coming night.
* * * * *
Rogue towed Logan to the kitchen.
“We need ice, this box of salt, my custard pot, and milk. Set up the freezer somewhere the salt water can drain off and not kill the grass.”
“Whatever you say, you’re the cook, darlin’.”
Rogue eyed Logan’s backside as he carried the tub of ice out the kitchen door. He was barefoot, shirtless, and wearing the same cut-offs, and she smiled wickedly as she shouted, “I’m too hot - gonna change before I come out!”
* * * * *
As she strode toward where he waited, she drew a deep breath to calm herself. Logan’s eyes turned to her and widened in surprise at her skimpy clothing: her own cut-offs, a black halter top that was barely legal, her hair in braids; she had stolen his cowboy hat and had it cocked back on her head. “Are you ready for the best thing you’ve ever had?” She tipped the hat as Logan chose to ignore the double entendre.
“Let’s do this.”
Scooping the custard into the tank, she poured in milk and put the lid in place. Settling the freezer parts together, she started piling ice and salt around the outside, filling the wooden bucket. “We’ll take turns cranking, it’s more fun that way. Hold down the freezer when it starts getting thick.”
Logan watched with piqued interest as Rogue’s ample cleavage swayed before him while she cranked the freezer’s handle slowly. They switched twice before the ice cream started thickening. “Trade off, this is getting tough.”
Logan cranked the handle easily, but the bucket scooted around. Rogue leaned both hands on top, giving him a view down her front. She watched his eyes dance back and forth between her breasts and the freezer. He was definitely paying attention!
Turning around she settled her backside on the freezer, sitting on it to hold it down. Turning innocently to speak over her shoulder, she asked, “Is my ass in the way, or can you still crank?”
Logan’s mouth was watering, but he kept himself in check. “We’re just fine.”
“Hold on, then....” Rogue stood, turned around, and sat again, straddling the crank and making him turn it directly between her spread thighs. “Are we still fine?”
Logan was breathing hard. His hand slid from the crank handle to her calf, up her bare thigh, around one hip, and his other hand snatched his hat off her head! Stuffing it on his own head, he pulled the brim down, knelt in front of her and slid between her legs, pulling her close.
“We’re more than fine, if your original intention was gettin’ laid tonight.”
“My original intention was vanilla custard, but if you want dessert ‘after’ dessert, then you better kiss me quick, or the ice cream’s gonna melt in this heat.”
“Oh, it’s gonna melt, baby, ‘cause this night’s gonna get hotter than hell.”
* * * * *
This recipe belonged to my grandmother (a Pennsylvania-Dutch farm wife) and I’ve used it for years. The ice cream freezers this recipe is intended for are not the small modern electric models, but the old crank-style with the metal tank inside the wooden bucket. Measurements are not exact - make it to taste. Always use more sugar than you think you’ll need, since it tastes less sweet when it’s frozen.
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar (you will want more, trust me, and it’s easier to dissolve sugar in the hot custard than in the cold ice cream later)
6 egg yolks
1 quart milk
Blend thoroughly (a whisk is handy) and bring to a near-boil. Stirring constantly, cook until thick. Cool and chill custard thoroughly. This step can be done ahead of time, and the prepared custard can be frozen for later use.
Add custard to freezer’s clean tank and add sugar, vanilla, then add milk to 2 inches from the top. Settle lid on tank, and seat tank in center of bucket. Fit lid attachment into place, and attach crank handle.
Layer ice and rock salt up sides of bucket, not allowing it to rise above tank’s lid (you don’t want salt water in your ice cream). Crank slowly. Add more ice and salt as it melts and forms water bath around tank.
(NOTE) Ice and salt water is colder than just ice, and will freeze the ice cream faster than ice alone. The salt is a crucial ingredient. Be careful where salt water drains away (bucket should have an overflow hole near the top). Salt water will kill grass and other plants.
Crank slowly, allowing ice cream to freeze. Take turns with friends, and make it a party.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.