UKTara by Author Interviews
Summary: Interview with UKTara.
Categories: Author Interviews Characters: None
Genres: General
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1877 Read: 1976 Published: 06/29/2007 Updated: 06/29/2007
Chapter 1 by Author Interviews
You’ve been away from the fandom for a while. Could you update us on how you’ve been and what you’ve been doing lately?

Well, I’ve still been going online but I’ve been working on an original idea - a novel - which I have finally finished but still need to edit. That’s why I haven’t written much fan fiction for a while, because I wanted to concentrate on that. I never exactly abandoned the W/R fandom but my interest waned a little. I tend to go through phases, I guess. *rolls eyes despairingly* But I’m happy that my interest in the fandom has been revived again because I’ve missed Logan and Marie!

Can you tell us what brought you back? What reignited your interest in Logan/Rogue at this time?

Well, my interest in them always lingered in the background whilst I was writing my novel, and I still read the odd fanfic now and again. Then X3 came out and although I was disappointed with the movie I found myself suddenly daydreaming plot ideas and scenarios again, and the more I planned, the more I wanted to write fanfic again. So I did!

"For Keeps" was your first Logan/Rogue fic. How do you think your writing/stories have evolved/changed since that story?

Much better, I hope - ha ha! I still cringe at that first fic which I feel is too soppy and I honestly can’t imagine Logan saying some of the stuff he says in it. I think my Logan has evolved for the better. I love the character and want him to seem as convincing as possible.

What is your favorite part of writing? Your least favorite?

Um…favourite part is bringing M/L daydreams to reality and be able to play with the characters however you want. The least favourite…just the usual grammar, spelling, and editing problems. I tend to write a bit too flowery if I’m not careful.

Being British, do you ever find UKisms creeping into your stories that are a bit out-of-character for the mostly American characters? Examples?

Yes, occasionally. The most recent fic I wrote, where there is a fancy dress party at the Institute, is a perfect example. Here in the UK we call them fancy dress parties, but in the US I have since learnt that you call them costume parties. It’s little things like that.

Do beta readers help you with that sort of thing, or do you rely on your own editing/proof-reading?

When I first started writing fanfics I had a couple of beta readers and they were most helpful but now I tend to just edit myself and hope for the best.

Typically, how much does the final story differ from what your mind’s eye sees when you first begin writing it?

I usually find myself suddenly daydreaming a certain scene, which could be funny or sad or intense, and then I ponder some more to see if I can - or want - to fit a story around it. So the original scene usually stays the same but the story it is featured in will probably evolve and change each time I edit it.

Songs have inspired some of your stories (i.e. "Beyond Beautiful" and "Come What May"). What else can, or has, inspired you to write?

Anything and everything! I could go for a walk and be moved by the beauty of nature and want Marie to feel that too, or I could be joking around with my husband and something he says or does makes me wonder how Logan would approach it. A lot of my fics are actually written whilst I am listening to music because it can set a mood. My husband actually composed some music especially for my fics The Hunt and The Dance and I sometimes use those when writing other fics.

Have you ever written fan fic in a public place? i.e. restaurant, library, airplane, subway?

Nope. I feel too uncomfortable. Even when I visit my parents or my inlaws I can’t relax enough to write. So I usually have to be at home where I am comfortable and my mind can stay focused.

All your stories have been based around the X1 and X2 events. Now that you’re back, will you be writing new stories based around X3?

I was very disappointed with X3 and angry with Bryan Singer for abandoning us! I hated it that main characters were killed off so will rarely write any fic based on the events of X3. I don’t really like writing fics based on X2 either because I like Jean being alive. Basically, I like it when all the X-Men are at the institute so I can play with them as I wish.

What is your favorite story to date and why?

Um…gawd…let me think. Probably "Conflicting Hearts" because that was my first long fic and it always makes me emotional and nostalgic.

foof: harmless, happy, humorous stories with love and/or bonding between characters (adjective is foofy). Many of your stories are categorized as foof. Is this your favorite type of story to write, and if so, why?

I love reading foof and I love writing it too. That isn’t to say I don’t like deep, intense fics, but foofs always make me smile. The same goes for writing them…it’s fun and I can have a giggle! Oh, and my hubby always enjoys me reading them out to him!

Mutants, and Logan/Rogue in particular, what’s so cool about them?

Oooh hard to say. They are so very different from us and yet the things going on in their heads are also relatable, if that makes sense. Rogue just wants to belong and Logan has terrible things from his past that he is battling. People are feeling these emotions in normal life too, although not quite on the same level. Of course, having cool powers is an added bonus and fun to contemplate and write about.

Which character, if any, would you like to completely re-imagine from the film versions and why?

I actually think that they’re all great and pitched about right. I wouldn’t want to alter any of them. I know that this isn’t exactly answering the question but I really wanted to see Gambit in X3 and was disappointed he wasn’t in it. So, I’d like to imagine him in a movie part. I’ve always thought Jared Leto would play a good Gambit. Anyway, sorry if my answer was too off topic.

"In the Face of Tragedy" has Logan and Rogue dealing with Jean’sdeath from X2. What are your thoughts about Jean Grey then and now particularly in relation to Logan and Rogue?

I like Jean. I always have. I don’t think I could make her evil if I tried because I think she is a genuinely nice character…well, at least before The Phoenix took over! But she is a great *obstacle* to come between Marie and Logan, at least for some added tension and drama in a fic. However, I do find that if I start to read a fic and Jean is too nasty or bitchy I can’t really continue reading it because it feels too out of character for her. And I like the X-Men to be totally in character.

You wrote "Thirty Days in Paradise" for a WRFA 30-themed anniversary challenge. Tells us about that experience.

It was fun! I liked castaway Logan and Marie and I think thet enjoyed their time on the island. It brought out their best and worst sides! I also liked writing in a journal style for parts of it.

Do you like challenges in general? Why or why not?

30 Days in Paradise is the only challenge I’ve ever entered, I think. I’m usually too lazy to take an interest in challenges!

You started writing the multi-chapter "The Wolf Moon" a few years ago and have since rewritten/re-edited it. Did you rewrite all the chapters, or just a few?

I didn’t exactly re-write all of the chapters I just gave them a damn good edit. They were far too flowery and made me cringe and I just wanted to cut out a lot of the unnecessary waffle that was slowing down the pace of the story.

What did you feel needed changing and why?

See above. :P

I think it’s hard enough to come up with a title for a story. Do you give the individual chapters of a multi-part story titles as well?

Sometimes. It depends what mood I’m in or how lazy I’m feeling - hee hee!

How do you choose titles for your stories?

I usually tend to write the fic first and then see what fits best.

The stories, "Cookies" and "Ice Cream" both include food foof. Any particular reason? :)

‘cause I like food! *grin* At the time I wrote Cookies I had been making cookies myself so was inspired. I think it was the same with the ice-cream. The simplest things can inspire a fic - even food!

Most of your stories are rated PG/PG-13. "The Dance", on the other hand, is purely a PWP (and your first smut fic!). Was it difficult or fun to write? How do you think it turned out?

I was pleased with it overall and it was fun. I like writing smut but at the same time, it is very difficult, because I sooo want to pitch it just right, so that it sounds plausible and yet still hot at the same time. It also helps having a partner and some…um…sexual experience, so you can kinda relate to some of the things you’re writing about! Like, you’d know how Marie would feel or react. Kinda! :P

What (and whose) POV do you most often use when writing your stories and why?

Logan every time. I do love writing in Logan’s POV. When I write in Marie’s POV I tend to just step into her shoes rather than work harder at the character herself. Logan is more challenging and fun…with all that brooding he does.

Do you think taking a break helps with writer's block, or makes it worse?

Hmmm…good question. I sometimes think it can make it worse because you tend to lose touch with the character’s thoughts and feelings. Like, I’ve had to completely re-read The Wolf Moon several times just to get into the plot again, and I still haven’t completely gotten into the flow. Certain plot twists I had decided upon when I first wrote it are long gone from my mind - lost - and I’m having to re-think things all over again. I wish I had written more of it down in rough form. Oh well.

Do you have any other creative pursuits besides writing?

Yep. I love photography, drawing, painting, and have recently started playing around with polymer clay.

Um…thanks for all the questions and I hope I haven’t bored you all too much - hee hee!
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