Summary: Logan is away on a mission... What oh what will Rogue do to help him through his time away?
Categories: X3,
AU Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: Logan's Chair
Chapters: 6
Completed: Yes
Word count: 12293
Read: 37182
Published: 12/08/2010
Updated: 12/17/2010
Chapter 2 by haniccol
Author's Notes:
Couldn't sleep, so this happened...Italics=text in an email. Thanks to Moviemom and Anami for the encouragement in the reviews. I will send you both cookies for christmas (see if I don't). Especially Anami because I just accidently deleted your review! I was trying to fix a spelling error in my response and I killed it! I feel awful.
Logan savagely propelled himself off the bed with a growl and smashed his hand down on the one remaining unbroken alarm clock left in the Blackbird. Well, make that unbroken until now. He winced slightly. Everyone was always yelling at him to be more careful around fragile things. Well it wasn't his fault his hand weighed a ton with all the metal in it. Maybe Wheels could bill the government for producing faulty weapons? Trying to imagine an official receiving that invoice made him snort. He would have to have a camera placed in the room to see the look of complete shock crawl across their faces when they learned that, not only was their number one weapon, thought destroyed, still functional, but he was also willing to laugh at their expense. Oh yeah, that show would be entertaining as shit.
He sat down on the bed and began rubbing a hand over his face, squinting at the bright light of high noon that he had been forced to wake to. Pausing with his eyes half covered he lurched to his feet in search of the computer. He had ten minutes until he had to relieve Scooter. Maybe Marie had gotten up to something else last night? He sure hoped so because he was gonna need something to get him through the next nine hours of boredom.
Finding it slightly under one of the bucket seats where he had pushed it the night before, after watching the video too many times to keep his reputation intact if someone was counting, he plopped down on the floor and pulled up his email. Hell yes! Silently celebrating, he opened the single unread message in his mailbox, expecting to see a linked video. His face drooping in disappointment, he instead read his two-sentence note.
Way to be an impatient bastard. What were you really expecting this quickly?
He was about to turn off the computer when the flag on his mailbox went up. What were the chances that he would be online when someone emailed him? Slim to none actually, and come to think of it, Slim was stuck on a beetle-infested hill at the moment so none was definitely the only option. He opened it.
Fine. Fine. Fine. Go to the back of the jet. In the interior pocket of my spare uniform is a present for you. Don't say I never gave you anything ;-)
By the way, I arranged it so this email would be sent 30 seconds after the other was opened. I knew the unexplained perfect timing would bug you all day. Why not send this in the first email, you ask? Figured I should harass you because everyone else is way too afraid to do it.
All My Love,
He quickly shut the computer, pulled on his leathers (which Scott the pansy had folded like a good little maid) and hightailed it to the back of the Blackbird. So he would be a little late to take over their post. What was Scooter gonna do? Fire him? Take away his allowance? Call his mother?
Finding her uniform was easy. Breathing after he pulled his "present" out of the pocket, not so much. It was a picture. He had no idea how she had gotten it taken, but if anyone had seen her like that, they wouldn't be surviving past the day of his return to the mansion.
She was curled up in his chair with a long, black body pillow under her head and clutched between her arms and knees, the color perfectly setting off the alabaster of her skin. She was also sound asleep and gloriously naked. He could tell she wasn't faking because when she faked, the corners of her eyes crinkled up and her face didn't look as innocent as it did right then. One of the sheets from the bed was pulled over her right calf and part of her thigh, the leg left hanging off the front of the chair, but the sheet failed to cover anything else of interest. He traced a finger over her pert butt, slightly visible because she was partially lying on the pillow and wished he could actually feel the warm smoothness of her through the paper. Streaks of moonlight coming through the blinds highlighted the pale parts of her hair, flung over the chair's arm and dangling towards the floor, along with the peek-a-boo nipple that he could just see over the top of the pillow.
All in all, the sight of her almost sent him into cardiac arrest because it was a perfect capture of the facets of Marie that drew him to her. Innocence in the face, combined with sultriness from her unhidden curves and careless beauty, both inner and outer, in the fall of her hair. Add in her total disregard for normalcy, sleeping in the chair, and the strength of her displayed lean muscle, and you had one delectable picture that could never be recreated.
He turned it over. "Thought you might want something to perk up your day."
Well, perked up was one way to put it, he thought. With a slight adjust to his suddenly tight, unforgiving pants, he opened the door to the cockpit and strolled out to the clearing. While tucking the picture into the pocket of his jacket over his heart and tapping the stone to close the door, he came to the surprising conclusion that the idea of spending the next nine hours immobile on a hill wasn't so daunting. He had his baby with him. Also, he was mentally placing good money on there being another email for his enjoyment in his inbox later that night, a thought that was sure to get him through the day.
End Notes:
So, maybe not what was expected but I think it still worked...
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.