The Valentine's He'll Never Forget by glovegrrl
Summary: How a certain Southern Belle got the message through to her stubborn Canadian Bad-ass.
Categories: AU Characters: None
Genres: Foof, Shipper, Songfic, Vignette
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1623 Read: 2967 Published: 02/13/2011 Updated: 02/13/2011
Story Notes:
Written for the B-side song "All You Will Never Know" by Avril Lavigne

1. Chapter 1 by glovegrrl

Chapter 1 by glovegrrl
Today was the fourteenth of February, Valentine’s Day, as with every year before this, this was one of the days that Logan disappeared annually.

This year he was hiding out in the sub-levels, the overwhelming stench of teenage hormones mixed with chocolate, perfume and tears from those who didn’t get valentines from the person they wanted meant he never stayed up there longer than necessary, this morning he had come down before breakfast as ‘secret admirers’ began sneaking around the mansion.

It was now almost dinner and he’d just complete a gruelling five hour danger room session, moving down the metal lined hall of the underground level he slipped into the men’s locker room, after a quick shower he wrenched open his locker to get the change of clothes he kept down here.

Pulling the jeans out of the cupboard he was surprised when a plastic clatter sounded from the floor by his feet, reaching down he picked up the small flat square case, this wasn’t his, opening the case he found a CD with the words ‘PLAY ME’ written in black marker on the off side.

Turning on the stereo that was set on the opposite side of the room he put the disk in and hit play, moving back to his clothes he dragged his jeans on as a young woman’s voice began to sing the first words of the song.

**You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans
You’re on the fence
You give me reasons I never seem to understand
They don’t make any sense

Maybe ain’t enough for my heart
We’ll see ain’t off to a great start
Baby I want you to be mine
You better hurry cause if I change my mind...You will never know**

“This songs a bit girly for you isn’t it Logan,” Scott smirked as he walked in.

“Someone left it in my locker, wanted to know what the heck it was and who left it there,” Logan made no move to turn it off and kept listening to the words coming from the speakers.

**What it means to love me
And you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with
All you will never know**

Scott paused and listened as well, as the song continued.

**I want to know you
What’s hiding behind this wall
Who you really are
I want to meet you on the other side of this charade
Wherever the cards may fall

I’m ready to give you my heart
Yeah I’m willing to show up for my part
Baby I want you to be mine
You better hurry cause if I change my mind...

You will never know

What it means to love me
Oh, you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with all you will never know
About me
What I see
What I believe in
How I breathe when I weep

You will never know
What it means to love me Oh, you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with all you will never know**

When the song finished, as the last strum of the guitar faded away, Scott spoke.

“Sounds like someone is trying to tell you something, any idea who it is?”

Logan picked up the case, and tried to pick up a scent, unfortunately plastic doesn’t hold scents well so he went back to his locker, there should be a trace of scent left on something in there, his clothes would hold a scent better than plastic, picking up his shirt that had been under his jeans where the case had been sitting, he sniffed.

“That’s weird, the only scent in here apart from mine is Rogue’s but she wouldn’t have...” he trailed off, would she? She had been acting pretty strange the last few months. But she wouldn’t know how he felt about her, could she? ... He had had to catch himself several times over the last few months almost flirting with her, didn’t help when she wore those tight little t-shirts that advertised her awesome body.

“Do you know where Rogue is?” Logan asked, grabbing his shirt and racing out of the room before Scott had opportunity to answer, it didn’t matter he’d track her.

Hitting the main level, he quickly scoped out Marie’s familiar scent, she’d passed by not too long ago heading for the kitchen by the look of it, he all but ran down the hall and threw himself through the door almost colliding with Jubilee as she was stalking out with an armful of boxed chocolates.

Marie wasn’t in there, he walked back out calling to Jubilee asking where Rogue went, the answer however was yelled out from the rec room several doors down, “In here,” Marie called out, poking her head out the door.

“Logan!” she looked surprised to see him, “Wasn’t expecting to see you until tomorrow at the earliest,” she teased, “What’s up?”

“Umm, did you leave something in my locker?” he asked, seemingly unsure of himself.

“What kind of something?” Marie asked, “Oh, did you get a valentine?”

“I found a CD in my locker, it wasn’t you that left it there?”

“What’s your nose telling ya?” she asked, cheekily.

“It’s saying you are the only other person who’s been in my locker,” Logan said, starting to look a little pissed, he always got like that when he couldn’t figure something out, “So was it you or what?”

“I was never *in* your locker sugar,” Marie started, watching Logan’s expression become even more confused and he started to turn away, catching his arm she continued, “I was however wearing this shirt, before I put it and a little, message, in your locker for you.”

Logan turned back to her, so the CD was from her, did that mean she... Pulling her into a quieter part of the room he started, “Marie, we’re good friends right?”

“Right,” Marie confirmed.

“And we get along alright...”

“Face it Logan, I’m the only person who can stand you for more than five minutes,” Marie teased.

“And you are the only person I can stand longer than that but that song, are you trying to say that... oh crap, what are you trying to say?”

“Exactly what the song says Logan, maybe ain’t enough for me and if you want me you better hurry up cause I’m getting sick of waiting for you, shit Logan you are worse than anyone I know, running hot and cold twenty times a day, just make up your mind already, either you want me or you don’t, and here is the part where you make your choice,” she was almost yelling by now and instantly shushed him when he tried to interrupt and continued.

“You either take a chance and we see where this goes, or you back off and let me...”

A cheer erupted from all those who had turned to watch the argument between the Canadian bad-ass and the lethal Southern Belle when Logan shut her up with his mouth on hers.

“So we’re seeing where this goes?” Marie asked, breathlessly, when he finally released her lips.

“Oh I know exactly where this is going,” Logan said, picking her up in a fireman’s hold and making for the stairs.

Marie’s laughter was the last thing anyone heard from the two of them until late the next day, unless you lived on the same floor as Logan’s room that is!


All You Will Never Know – Avril Lavigne B side

**You’re indecisive when it comes to making any plans
You’re on the fence
You give me reasons I never seem to understand
They don’t make any sense

Maybe ain’t enough for my heart
We’ll see ain’t off to a great start
Baby I want you to be mine
You better hurry cause if I change my mind...

You will never know

What it means to love me
And you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with
All you will never know

I want to know you
What’s hiding behind this wall
Who you really are
I want to meet you on the other side of this charade
Wherever the cards may fall

I’m ready to give you my heart
yeah I’m willing to show up for my part
baby I want you to be mine
You better hurry cause if I change my mind...

You will never know

What it means to love me
Oh, you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with all you will never know
About me
What I see
What I believe in
How I breathe when I weep

You will never know
What it means to love me Oh, you will never know
What these two lips taste like to kiss
You can just suppose what my body feels like to hold

Hope you can deal with all you will never know**
End Notes:
Just a little bit of fluff that I couldn't help writing, did you like?
This story archived at