Barely Legal by erro
Summary: "It had started out innocently enough..."
Categories: AU, X1 Characters: None
Genres: Adult, Angst, Shipper
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 20 Completed: Yes Word count: 37494 Read: 59244 Published: 11/03/2020 Updated: 11/22/2020
Chapter 8 by erro
Today found Rogue in the nursery. Since moving fulltime into the Connecticut house two months earlier they'd done a bit of redecorating, and moving things around. Now that they weren't hiding their relationship from anyone, including Logan, they were openly sharing the master bedroom. She'd found it so freeing to not have to be constantly 'hiding', even her closest friends at school - the ones that would still talk to her at least - had commented on how much more relaxed and happier she was; Logan had brushed it off and said it was just pregnancy hormones. She had been annoyed with him, until she had seen the teasing twinkle in his eye, and promptly hiffed a pillow at him as they both laughed.

Rogue's room had been left as a spare bedroom-slash-study, and the third room, that had been more or less unused, had been redecorated for their baby’s nursery.

They had gone ahead with the anatomy scan at the earliest date, eighteen weeks, and discovered baby was a girl. Marie had been a little worried Logan might be disappointed; daddy's wanted boys to teach all those manly things to, like pulling apart engines, and playing contact sports, right? Turned out this daddy was proud as punch to be having a little girl, if the grin on his face was anything to go by. He had confirmed later, in private, that he was indeed ecstatic, and that there was no reason he couldn't teach his little girl to pull apart engines and play sports too if that's what she wanted.

He'd let Marie pick out colours for the nursery after she'd gagged at his choices of overly bright and girly pinks and glitter, and he had later admit that the pale greens and purples she had picked worked well together. He had painted one wall purple, one wall green, the window wall had also been purple with green curtains, and then the last wall had been green on the bottom and purple on the top.

On top of all that, it turned out Logan had been hiding a secret artistic talent, Marie had discovered when he finally let her see the painted room. There were hand painted daisies, on the green 'field' wall, and glittery pink butterflies, painted on the purple. There was a tree painted in one corner with a net strung between two hooks screwed into the walls where its painted branches were, a teddy bear hammock Logan told her, as he sat the stuffed animal he had bought when they went for the scan, in the little hammock. There were little red apples painted on the tree, and here and there black and yellow bumblebees were flying around the butterflies and daisies on the mural wall.

For a moment Logan had worried Marie didn't like it when she started tearing up but she assured him that *was* the hormones. She loved it!

Next they'd moved in the nursery furniture; they'd picked out neutral dark wood stained furniture, that would be suitable for either a boy or a girl, but Logan wouldn't move it into the nursery until he was satisfied all the paint fumes had dissipated. Then he refused to let Marie help move any of it, just in case she over did it and hurt herself or the baby, he was getting so overprotective already and she was only halfway through the pregnancy.

Once that was all done the next step was the soft furnishings, which is what saw Marie in the nursery now, sorting through the freshly laundered bedding and clothes they had already procured. She made up the crib, and the bassinet, before neatly folding the extra bedding sets and putting them away. Sorting the clothes, and folding, and putting them all away too. Neither were sure just how much baby would need in the way of clothes, but knowing Logan they would likely end up with far more than they actually needed, Marie decided with a chuckle.

The sound of a vehicle turning into their semi-private road caught her attention, from pure oddity; they didn't get many visitors down here. The neighbours who owned the house at the end kept it as a holiday house so were very rarely there, and the other neighbours house was accessed from the next street over. She shrugged her thoughts away though, if it was someone for them Logan was in the garage so would see to it. A minute later she heard loud footsteps, as people walked up the porch stairs and into the house.

"Rogue, you in?" was called up the stairs.

Curiously Marie wandered out into the hall, what was Scott doing here? He had barely spoken two words to her since the day she and Logan had moved out of the mansion, she didn't know he even knew where their home actually was. She came down the stairs just as a pissed off looking Logan walked into the house behind him.

"Just because your home has an open-door policy Summers doesn't mean ours does, knock next time, or better yet, fuck off without getting out of your car,” Logan snapped, "What the hell do you want?"

"My business is with Rogue, so if you don't mind Neanderthal wander off back to your cave and leave the more evolved homo sapiens to hold a conversation," Scott snapped back.

"Enough," Marie stated firmly, glaring at Scott, "If you want to speak to the occupants of this house, you'll show appropriate respect to them."

"I am showing appropriate respect for pedos like him," Scott replied, ignoring Logan. That was yet another error in the clusterfuck of errors he'd made since arriving. He didn't see Logan step up behind him, only felt the sudden grip on the back of his jacket as he was grabbed and thrown bodily out the front door, narrowly avoiding flying down the stairs by catching hold of the porch railing as he collided with it. Before Logan could advance on him again Marie ran down the last few steps and stood resolutely between the two men.

"That was out of line Scott, I trust our point has been made that it is time for you to leave, whatever you want to discuss I will be glad to meet with you at lunchtime on Monday," she stated, keeping a calming hand on Logan's arm.

"Look Rogue, I didn't come all this way to get turned out by your keeper, you don't have to do what he tells you all the time, and--" Scott started.

"Oh good, I'm glad you feel that way, in that case, I won't see you on Monday, seeing as how I'm only going to school because Logan tells me I have to," she replied sarcastically. "Get over yourself Scott, we aren't going to break up just because you don't like our relationship, now unless you actually have something to say, that isn't shit stirring, and you can deliver in a way that isn't meant to offend and insult the person whose property you are standing on, I suggest you leave."


Scott and Logan were still staring each other down in mutual dislike, when a siren whooped from the street and a patrol car pulled up to the curb outside the house.

"Great, just what we need," Marie groaned. She had hoped the busybody neighbour across from them was out but it looked like no such luck.

"Afternoon folks, we received a report of a domestic disturbance, is everything alright here?" The officer enquired, as he made his way towards the group on the porch. The answers didn't help the situation any when Marie answered 'yes' but Logan and Scott both replied 'no'. "I see," the officer replied, "Ma'am would you be able to come down here? I don't like the idea of you and your baby being in the middle of this face off," he said, with a grim chuckle.

"No, she's fine," Logan replied, "It's this asshole who needs to move on." He nodded at Scott, who glared at him, before turning to the officer.

Marie finally felt the tension in Logan's forearms begin to ease, as Scott walked down the porch steps to stand on the driveway next to the officer.

"And you are, sir?" the officer asked.

"Scott Summers, I'm one of Rogue's high school teachers, I needed to speak with her about a school related issue when her ... *boyfriend*-" he sneered in Logan's direction- "Decided it would be a good idea to take cheap shots at me."

The officer turned to Logan who was now standing on the porch with Marie, an arm wrapped protectively around her waist. "And your side?" he asked.

"Was working in the garage when I heard the car pull in, he raced up the stairs and barged into the house and started hollering for my girl, I followed him in and clued him in on proper etiquette for visiting people's homes, he took offense at being schooled by someone he deems to be beneath him and got shitty, Marie told him quite plainly to watch his mouth or leave, he wouldn't watch his mouth, or leave, so I threw him out, he wouldn't take the hint and leave the property though, if you've got the paperwork I'd like him to be formally trespassed if you don't mind," Logan stated.

"And you Miss, anything to add?" the officer turned to Marie.

"Logan summed it up, in the interests of everyone's safety a trespass would definitely be a good idea," she replied with a shrug, Scott was making it pretty obvious he didn't plan on leaving, and fair was fair, they trespassed Logan from their home, they could trespass him from theirs.

"You can't be serious!?" Scott scoffed, when the officer returned from his patrol car with a trespass notice, filling in the paperwork before handing Scott the notice and a copy to Marie. "But- but," he tried to add as the officer directed him to leave the property, "You can't seriously be okay with this!?" he asked incredulously.

"With what?" the officer asked, "Turfing trespassers off private property is in the job description sir, now if you don't mind--"

"She should be removed too, she's not safe here, not with him, look what he's already done to her for god's sake, knocked up a teenager, a high school student, isn't protecting the public in your job description too, what about protecting her!?" Scott babbled, grinning triumphantly at Logan when the officer frowned and turned back to the couple on the porch.

"Miss, Marie was it?" the officer said as he walked back toward them, "What's your date of birth?"

She gave her birthdate and added, "I’m seventeen, which is even legal in the state he's from but he just won't let it go that I'm old enough to make my own decisions, if I didn't know better I'd think he was jealous with the way he's obsessing over our relationship," Marie stated, loud enough for Scott to clearly hear her where he was still standing by his car.

"I see, well, have a nice day, I'll get this guy out of your hair and file the notice when I get back to the station, if he turns up again call nine-one-one and we can come back and arrest him," the officer stated plainly, as he turned again to leave. It was Logan's turn to shoot Scott a shit eating grin.

Scott just stared between the couple and the cop, mouth agape like a fish out of water, as the officer again repeated his instruction for him to leave. Fuming he got back in his car and left, the officer quickly jumped in his own car and followed.

"Well, Monday's going to be fun for you kid," Logan said apologetically, as he led her back into the house.

"No, didn't you hear Logan, I don't have to do what you tell me so I don't have to go to school," she replied cheekily.

"Nice try darlin," Logan chuckled in response.


It turned out Monday was 'fun' for both of them. Marie found out as she worriedly rushed down the driveway after she got within view of where Logan waited for her out on the road, only to find two patrol cars there too. Thankfully, as she got closer, she was confident whatever was happening was under control, Logan appeared to be just talking with the officers.

"What's going on?" she asked, as she reached them, noting Logan's murderous scowl.

"That fucking asshole tried to sick the cops on me for ‘breach of trespass’, told them I was 'watching the kids' and making them uncomfortable, which is an even bigger fucking joke because you can't even see the damn school from out here anyway, that's why I don't like you walking all that way by yourself," Logan muttered angrily.

"You're Marie?" one of the officers asked her.

"Yes, and to no doubt confirm what he's already told you, he's my boyfriend, he got trespassed because the bunch of do-gooders in there don't approve of our relationship, they won't even let him drive in to pick me up, so he waits for me here, on public property, like they told him he would have to do, I'd have no other way to get home otherwise," Marie responded.

"And where do you live?" the officer asked, jotting down notes on an incident report.

"Connecticut," Marie answered, before being prompted for an address, which she gave.

"Alright, that all appears to be in order, you are correct that this is public property so there's nothing they can do to stop you waiting here, we'll let them know, and make a note in the system about malicious complaints," the officer stated, before advising them they were free to leave.

One patrol car waited to see them off, while the second pulled into the driveway of the school and headed for the main building. Without a second thought, Logan spun the truck around, as soon as Marie was safely buckled into her seat, and headed back for home. He noted the second patrol car follow them for a time, until it was obvious they were indeed on their way back to the Connecticut state border.

"So, how was your Monday?" Logan asked amused as he drove home.

"Scott got a speeding ticket and a dangerous driving ticket after leaving our place on Saturday," she replied with a grin.

Logan laughed outright in response. "I thought that cop was in an awful hurry to follow him."
This story archived at