Summary: I don't know. I went to a supermarket once... that's my only explanation.
Categories: AU Characters: None
Genres: Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: Series: The Insane Adventures of Two X-couples
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 432
Read: 1969
Published: 01/26/2007
Updated: 01/26/2007
1. Two X-Couples Go Grocery Shopping by FageVonArc
Two X-Couples Go Grocery Shopping by FageVonArc
Logan: Why the Hell are we here?
Marie: Because, we got our own kitchen now which means buying stuff to fill it… plus you said you’d take me today.
Logan: And how did I get roped into that?
Marie: Well, we were in the bathtub and-
Scott: Please, stop right there!
Marie: Oh yeah… sorry.
Jean: That’s okay… sometimes Scott acts as though we have no sex life.
Scott: Jean!
Jean: What? It’s true.
Scott: I really don’t feel like discussing our sex life in public, or anywhere for that matter.
Logan: Don’t, do us all the favor.
Marie: Logan.
Logan: What? He said he didn’t wanna discuss it, I’m just agreeing.
Marie: *sighs* Never mind.
Jean: You know, I just realized that since Hank and Kitty got together; the entire Alpha X-team is paired off into couples.
Marie: Oh yeah… I never even thought about it.
Jean: If they get married and stay at the mansion, they’ll have their own little apartment which means their own kitchen…
Marie: Which means we could all go grocery shopping together!
Logan and Scott (in unison): WHAT!?
Jean: Relax, it hasn’t happened… yet.
Marie: Yeah, besides… it’ll only be Hank, Kitty, Remy, Emma, Orroro, Kurt, Bobby and Johnnny.
Logan: ONLY?!
Scott: Yeah, what he said.
Marie: It’ll be fun… you guys can talk about sex and sports and us girls can talk about…
Jean: Sex and… not sports?
Marie: Yeah… nice save.
Jean: I try… wait, who’s the girl between Bobby and John?
Marie: Umm…
Logan: Ice pick.
Marie: Logan, stop being so-
Logan: What? Right?
Marie: No.
Scott: Sorry Rogue, but I agree with Logan… I can’t believe I just said that.
Marie: Jean whadda’ you think?
Jean: Bobby.
Marie: Wow, guess I’m outnumbered. Bobby it is.
Scott: Uh… I’ve been staring at kiwis for the past five minutes, are we gonna start shopping anytime soon?
Logan: Like starin’ at hairy balls do ya’?
Marie: Logan!
Scott: You metal boned son of a-
Jean: Scott!
Logan: That’s right One-Eye, listen to Jeannie. *makes whipping sound*
Marie: One more word outta you and you’re gonna be takin’ cold showers for a long time.
Logan: But-
Marie: That sounded like one more word.
Logan: …
Marie: Hmm, guess I didn’t hear anything after all… come on Jean.
Scott: What about me?
Jean: Come on Scott.
Scott (whispers): Who’s whipped now?
Logan (lowered voice, not quite a whisper): Keep it up and I’ll circumcise you.
Scott: … *gulp*
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.