Two X-couples Go Grocery Shopping by FageVonArc
Summary: I don't know. I went to a supermarket once... that's my only explanation.
Categories: AU Characters: None
Genres: Humor
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: The Insane Adventures of Two X-couples
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 432 Read: 1969 Published: 01/26/2007 Updated: 01/26/2007

1. Two X-Couples Go Grocery Shopping by FageVonArc

Two X-Couples Go Grocery Shopping by FageVonArc
Logan: Why the Hell are we here?

Marie: Because, we got our own kitchen now which means buying stuff to fill it… plus you said you’d take me today.

Logan: And how did I get roped into that?

Marie: Well, we were in the bathtub and-

Scott: Please, stop right there!

Marie: Oh yeah… sorry.

Jean: That’s okay… sometimes Scott acts as though we have no sex life.

Scott: Jean!

Jean: What? It’s true.

Scott: I really don’t feel like discussing our sex life in public, or anywhere for that matter.

Logan: Don’t, do us all the favor.

Marie: Logan.

Logan: What? He said he didn’t wanna discuss it, I’m just agreeing.

Marie: *sighs* Never mind.

Jean: You know, I just realized that since Hank and Kitty got together; the entire Alpha X-team is paired off into couples.

Marie: Oh yeah… I never even thought about it.

Jean: If they get married and stay at the mansion, they’ll have their own little apartment which means their own kitchen…

Marie: Which means we could all go grocery shopping together!

Logan and Scott (in unison): WHAT!?

Jean: Relax, it hasn’t happened… yet.

Marie: Yeah, besides… it’ll only be Hank, Kitty, Remy, Emma, Orroro, Kurt, Bobby and Johnnny.

Logan: ONLY?!

Scott: Yeah, what he said.

Marie: It’ll be fun… you guys can talk about sex and sports and us girls can talk about…

Jean: Sex and… not sports?

Marie: Yeah… nice save.

Jean: I try… wait, who’s the girl between Bobby and John?

Marie: Umm…

Logan: Ice pick.

Marie: Logan, stop being so-

Logan: What? Right?

Marie: No.

Scott: Sorry Rogue, but I agree with Logan… I can’t believe I just said that.

Marie: Jean whadda’ you think?

Jean: Bobby.

Marie: Wow, guess I’m outnumbered. Bobby it is.

Scott: Uh… I’ve been staring at kiwis for the past five minutes, are we gonna start shopping anytime soon?

Logan: Like starin’ at hairy balls do ya’?

Marie: Logan!

Scott: You metal boned son of a-

Jean: Scott!

Logan: That’s right One-Eye, listen to Jeannie. *makes whipping sound*

Marie: One more word outta you and you’re gonna be takin’ cold showers for a long time.

Logan: But-

Marie: That sounded like one more word.

Logan: …

Marie: Hmm, guess I didn’t hear anything after all… come on Jean.

Scott: What about me?

Jean: Come on Scott.

Scott (whispers): Who’s whipped now?

Logan (lowered voice, not quite a whisper): Keep it up and I’ll circumcise you.

Scott: … *gulp*
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