Dark Ferret by Author Interviews
Summary: Interview with Dark Ferret.
Categories: Author Interviews Characters: None
Genres: General
Tags: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5211 Read: 1475 Published: 05/19/2001 Updated: 05/19/2001

1. Chapter 1 by Author Interviews

Chapter 1 by Author Interviews
Question: Is there anything you'd like to share about yourself? i.e. where you live, hobbies, etc. (submitted by Sez) Answer: I live in New York City and am originally Ecuadorian. In the looks department, I am very tall, kind of pale, have black eyes and long black hair. I'll be posting pics of my critters and me at my site soon enough. As for what I do: I work as a school counselor in a high school, I moonlight some summers as a bartender, and I'll start my PhD in a year. I'm also married to the greatest guy ever and we have no kids, unless you count my kitten Shadow and my two ferrets, Curie and Einstein (as in Marie and Albert). I figure them and the kids at school are enough for now. As for hobbies, I am a very busy ferret, so I barely have time for anything, but when I do have a moment's peace, I'll read. I am an avid reader and always have been. After that, it'd be movies (I see at least one a week and am a staple at my local Blockbuster!), comics, music (alternative and rock) and camping/fishing. My dream is to move to the coast of Maine one day and do nothing but sip Kool-Aid while listening to Nine Inch Nails and fish for nothing with my laptop on Word. Go fig.

Question: How long have you been writing and what made you decide to start writing fan fic? (submitted by various) Answer: The first time I read X-Men movieverse fic was last September. I always passed by fic sites like CFAN in my quest for X-Men info, but never read the stories. I knew what fanfic was because my friend was into X-files big time, but the whole thing struck me as the recourse of some sad folks that reveled in escapism and self-insertion. Sorry, but I was definitely prejudiced. I always considered pop writing of any kind, not very good anyways. It wasn't until I bumped across Kielle's 'X-Men Movieverse' site in search of the X-Men movie script that I decided what the heck and read a story. I don't remember what story it was or who wrote it but let me tell you guys, I was blown away!! I had seen the movie like ten times at the theater and although I was still pissed that they had changed almost everything I knew of X, I loved it dearly. I fell in love with Hugh and Anna's depiction of Logan and Rogue on the spot. Unfortunately, I couldn't mention this to my fanboy friends and the one time I mentioned the two together to my local comic storeowner, I was almost banned for life!! And there I was, staring at the screen, feeling completely vindicated, in a place where everyone thought more or less the same thing! I read every last story a few times and when I switched the computer off at six am to go to work the next day, I knew I had found an obsession. After that, I uncovered every last L/R movieverse fic ever and checked the big sites at least twice a day. It wasn't until I started saying to myself, 'I could do this' about a month later that I really got freaked. I never wrote creatively in my life, not even a journal, so I fought it. And fought it. And fought it some more, until the idea for Immunity got so big in my head, I got up early one Saturday, pissed beyond belief at myself and started writing. I didn't get up until it was all up on the screen. I was hooked in a major way. I've been writing ever since.

Question: Do you have any writing experience in other fandoms or outside of fanfiction? (submitted by various) Answer: Nope. I like Farscape and have read some of that fic, but it doesn't move me like L/R does. This is what I like, and this is where I'm staying. The only writing I do other than fic is for school, and those are all boring-ass research papers.

Question: What made you choose to write X-Men fan fic? (submitted by Darkstar) Answer: The UST, baby!!! No really, the chemistry in the movie was awesome, but my love affair with Logan and Marie began a long time ago. As Wolverine and Rogue they have always been my fav fictional characters of all time. They are flawed, vulnerable, incredibly strong, running from a murky past, coping with disastrous love lives, private and fiercely independent, brave and amazingly loyal. They are as complicated a paradox as you want to get and to see them up on the big screen together was a revelation to me. I don't know why Marvel hasn't seen it in comic canon, but they belong together and the movie showed me that. It had never even crossed my mind beforehand, but thankfully Singer showed me the light.

Question: What is your favorite thing about the Logan-Rogue relationship? (submitted by Darkstar) Answer: The understanding. A simple and wholly believable understanding that they instantly offered one another in the movie, that most people could spend a lifetime trying to capture and fail. Logan is not a fuzzy bunny feelings person but when he saw this girl he felt for her on the spot. Maybe not romantic love or what have you, but it was an understanding that Rogue felt too. The look she gave him when she walked into that bar and saw him fighting in the cage spoke volumes. As did the sidewards glance he gave her at the bar. Every look they shared afterwards, up until the very end, just reinforced that. In almost everything I write, I try to incorporate that mutual understanding. It's unconditional love at it's most basic and since I don't ever write unhappy endings (yup, you can go back and check), that is my favorite thing to write of the two - their sincere and deep down understanding of one another.

Question: What inspires you the most when writing fanfiction? Have any other authors inspired your work? (submitted by various) Answer: Umm, I just get ideas. I know that's not very concrete, but ideas get in my head and they itch and bother until I put them to words. However, I do try to be plot oriented. I offer Marie and Logan a challenge and see them through to the end to reach a resolution. What I have noticed is that movies that I like are often mirrored in my work. It may not be entirely conscious, but subplots sneak in. As for authors, I love them all. If you can string two words together, I'll like it cause I love Logan/Marie in any capacity. I can't point to one that has single-handedly influenced me, but will say that they all make me want to write. To write is to offer a bit of yourself for inspection and I appreciate that now. I write primarily for myself, but other writers are a close second. It's sort of a 'give-give back' relationship in my mind. So I suppose the answer is that they all inspire me. If you are brave enough to offer of yourself, I will offer you some of me in return.

Question: How much of your inspiration comes from random events that have nothing to do with the fandom, per se? Would you say a little, or a lot? (submitted by Donna) Answer: Ha! I'd say real life does play a major role for me in coming up with an idea. I'll give you some examples; I was listening to a co-worker talk about her trip to Aruba and it clicked in my head that Logan and Rogue needed to see something other than Canada for 'Basic Needs 3'. Voyage was thought up as I was helping my friend shop for her wedding dress. After seeing her try and walk in a corset all day, I realized the bodice ripping potential in it! 'The Great Ferret Fiasco' was thought of as I was walking my ferrets and someone asked me if they could swim (yeah, they have little leashes and everything). 'Run' was based on a description that one of my clients told me of a dream he was running through and being chased by something that howled. I couldn't let that one go by that easily. The 'Run 2' idea came from listening to a group for adopted teens that I facilitate. 'Damn Uniforms' hit me when I was watching Britney Spear's infamous first video. I felt Logan would have a coronary if he saw Marie shimmying around like that and ran with it. My husband got me a locket for Christmas in which I put my mother's picture and that inspired 'Mommy Dearest'. Chasity was a friend of mine from high school who was a total skank, so that was payback. I was watching a Learning Channel medical show when the idea for 'Immunity' came up. I was reminiscing about summers in Atlantic City with my grandparents when the concept for 'Once and For All' came a-calling. And 'Basic Needs' Goth Rogue is a composite of some kids I work with. 'Centerfold's' calendar idea came from the art department chair at my school, who has a poster of Rodin's 'The Thinker' up in his office. I saw that bod and immediately thought of Logan! And most recently, I caught a Rite-Aid clerk looking at my photos, which inspired '24'. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Question: How did "The Great Ferret Fiasco" come about? (submitted by Diane) Answer: When I posted 'Why Not?' in the FanFiction.net arena, I got flamed badly for adding L/R elements to a primarily comic story. I mostly ignored those guys, because I understood their resentment of moviefication in their beloved comics, but I did get into a one on one with someone as a result, who asked me if I could ever write something other than L/R. I accepted the challenge and agreed to write an ensemble piece like 'Why Not?', but with no L/R smut. Well two days later, I was walking my ferrets and someone started asking me questions about them. I immediately thought hey, I'm Dark Ferret and I have to do at least one fic about my babies. So I thought some more and figured I could write a comedy that touches on all the X-romances without L/R smut per se. Storm was the only X-Men I could see owning ferrets and since the only time the X-Mansion gets torn apart is during a battle, I figured I could be original and still destroy it but make it funny. Ironically, my biggest roadblock was making it so the ferrets escaped capture in a believable way. I mean, 15 big, bad X-Men with powers vs. 2 slinky critters seemed ridiculous up until it hit me that the ferrets could have powers too. Well, I'm proud to say that I won a lot of fanboys over with that fic. They enjoyed it and some didn't even mind the L/R reference because it was so subtle and took a backseat to all the insanity. As a matter of fact, I think I'll write another ferret fic in the future. Consider that a promise Diane.

Question: Outside of Logan and Rogue, which character do you find it easiest to write? Who is the hardest? (submitted by Andariel) Answer: Scott!!! I love this guy! He is a total lamb and I adore his fearless leader bit, even with the cardigans and the chinos. I know a lot of folks dislike his Gore qualities, but he's buff, sweet, generous, noble, brave, and has an awesome, kick-ass power and a great smile. What is there to dislike? He's especially easy to write as a protective big brother type. I love the 'Run' version of him and he'll continue being that way in my world. On the flip side, the most challenging character for me to write would have to be Jean. And not because she's a rival to L/R, I simply dislike her. In comics, cartoons and books alike, she is weak, indecisive and to top it off, written to be perfection incarnate. Has anyone ever seen Storm?? She's hotter than anybody else and it's a shame only Jean gets play. Even the Ultimate version, in which I was actually starting to like her stronger personality, she went ahead and blew it by purposely sleeping with someone she admits she dislikes and distrusts and hurting Scott in the process. Even though she loves Scott more than life itself (or so they say), as recently as this month, she was making out with Logan. I just don't get it. Maybe I dislike her because I like Scott so much, but Scott deserves the best and in my book, Jean comes up a little short. Her motives are a mystery to me and that makes her difficult for me to write.

Question: You've written historical, humorous and Evolution fic as well as the basic universe. Which of your stories is your favorite and why? (submitted by various) Answer: I know you guys will hate me for this, but my favorite fic has never been posted. I wrote it a while back and it dealt with so many personal issues that I just wasn't ready to share it. It hurt pretty bad to write and even more to read and I just felt it would upset some people and wanted to avoid all that. Not that it's very long, or angsty or good for that matter, but for now I just want to keep it to myself. To answer your question a little better though, my fav of the ones you have read is probably 'Basic Needs'. And not because it's the best written or most profound or whatever, I'm not a big lover of angst or over the top drama anyway, but I do like seeing people overcome adversity and growing into themselves and Rogue did that in spades in that fic. I love her strength and willingness to change and especially Logan's quiet toughness and 'been there' attitude. This Rogue reminds me so much of the kids I work with and if you get past the powers and supervillains, you can see the pain and loneliness that some kids live, eat and walk in all day. As a girl who was raised in the South Bronx, was a high school drop-out, lived independently since fourteen and married as a teen, I can relate to not having the basic needs of love and security that Rogue craves and fears simultaneously. Kids are remarkably resilient to the crap life dishes out sometimes and I wanted to put that point across.

Question: Which story was the most difficult to write and why? (submitted by various) Answer: Personally, I'd say my unposted one, but technically, it would have to be 'Voyage'. That thing was huge and it was the first AU I ever did, so I was a little intimidated from the start. I was playing on it being cliché, but I wanted to avoid being cheesy and it was hard sometimes to keep that balance. Then my thesis was moved up and my life went straight to hell. To top it all off, I had to take a week break and that really broke my momentum. My greatest fear was that by the time I finished, people would have forgotten what happen at first! It was long and tiring to write so many pages a night, but ultimately it was fun and I'm glad I did it. I've never gotten responses like I did then and so I'm committed to doing more AU epics in the future.

Question: Do you find love scenes more or less difficult to write than other types of scenes? Are there any things you specifically try to include or avoid? (submitted by Diane) Answer: For me, love scenes are WAY hard! I don't like writing them at all. As a matter of fact, that's the last thing I write in most cases. I just leave a space saying [enter smut here] and come back when everything is done!! You could imagine how challenging smut heavy pieces like the 'Centerfold' series is for me. I guess what scares me off most is that everything has been done. I mean, how many ways can you describe one act and still have some shread of originality? Plus, I hate being corny and saying 'throbbing this' and 'aching that' is just too funny sometimes. I can't even come up with different words for er, umm, certain body parts. It's just plain torture and I burst out laughing half the time. And this worries me, cause I don't consider myself a prude by any stretch of the imagination and yet I think I will forever be wary of sex scenes. However, I will continue to write them, cause hey, sex is a part of life and I know that's one of my fav part of fic to begin with (grin).

Question: The stories you've written all have such different tones and settings. Do you ever have a problem switching between the different universes you've created? (submitted by Jamie) Answer: Not really. We all go through moods. Some days I feel like killing, some days I feel foofy, others sarcastic as hell, and since I try to write in one long continuous flow until I finish, most of my fics take on whatever mood I'm in at the moment. That's why sequels get hard sometimes. You have to read the first ones then try to feel that way again. At least in my case, fics simply don't have the same feel the second time around. That's why I recently gave you guys an oath of no more sequels. It's easier to just build a new world than to have to visit old places over and over again.

Question: A lot of your stories include elements not just from the movie, but also from the comics and cartoon. Do you use one as a basis and borrow from the others, or do you try to create a synthesis from the frequently-conflicting sources? (submitted by Frydrakken) Answer: Good question. I guess the three are sort of one in my head at this point. In some fics, I'll focus more on one verse than another, (Marie's green eyes or brown eyes for example) but most of the time, it's all one big jumble. The core values and characters are the same, just the details and backgrounds change. Even in extreme examples like comic Rogue's femme fetale boldness as opposed to movie Rogue's shyness, I see overlap. Give Marie another six years of no touching, more time to adjust to her sexuality and add the powers, voila!, you get sassy comic Rogue. Conversely, take comic Rogue, add Logan's claws, Scott's beams and some insecurity and you get the more withdrawn, moviefied Rogue that we've been seeing lately. Same with Evolution Rogue. What if movie Rogue never met the X-Men or Logan and stayed on the street a while longer? Would she eventually cut herself off with the attitude, the image, the drugs? I certainly think so. Marvel is in effect doing what fanfic authors do, telling a story from a slightly different 'what if?' perspective, changing details, but not the character. If anything, I find borrowing from the three makes things easier for me. You get a different basis to start from without it always being the same thing. I think a ton of folks have been writing comic and Evolution Logan & Rogue without really knowing it.

Question: What was it that drew you to writing within the Evolution plot line, as so few others have? (submitted by Cordelia) Answer: The volatility. You get the sense that this Rogue would just as easily spit on you as look at you. That kind of unpredictability makes for awesome chemistry with Yoga Logan. This Logan has been there and done that. He has claimed a little more stability than he is normally given and you really sense the honor that is so prominent in Samurai Logan of the comics. That is not to say he's boring. Evolution Logan is still Wolverine under the surface. He's gruff, a loner and even though he can play nice with Storm and Xavier, he could let loose with the same volatility as Rogue. Together these two would be worthy of each other and what's more compelling to a bad-ass than another bad-ass? I read between the lines big-time on my interpretation of Evolution'verse, but the antagonism is fierce and the volatile personalities make for good storytelling. I love seeing them spar and test limits before getting to the fluffy feelings bit. It makes the journey there all the more interesting.

Question: The Rogue of "Basic Needs" is quite a complex character and quite different from her movie counterpart. How did you approach writing her? (submitted by Diane) Answer: With abandon. She is a composite of so many kids that I've met over the years, so all I had to do was tap into them. How they spoke, what they thought, how they looked even. Unlike other Rogues, this one is in full adolescent hurt mode. She hurts inside and so she shows her hurt to the world and hurts back in the boldest ways. Keeping that in mind, the character could practically write itself. It was later that she became harder to write. By the time 'Basic Needs 3' came about, she was different and so I had to think different. I modeled a lot of myself in that one. The feeling like you accomplished something, only to have the rug pulled out under you. The relapse part of leaving a shitty life behind is seldom explored but always guaranteed to happen. Once I pictured the disappointment and insecurity in having it all come back around, the character was easy to write once again.

Question: What are the biggest differences in the characterization of Evolution Logan and movie Logan? How do the differences affect your writing? (submitted by Ann) Answer: I think if you take movie Logan and allow him to come back to Xavier on his own, sans Marie, and give him a few years to simmer down at the Mansion, you have Evolution Logan. This is a more mature guy, a glimpse of him at a later date and time. Someone who's still haunted by a past, but to some degree has accepted it and moved on to the business of living. Movie Logan is still feeling his way. He searches for lack of anything else. He would never join Xavier's dream at this point, because he needs time to weight options. In a way, Marie was a catalyst for movie Logan to reevaluate things, but he's still not quite Evolution Logan. He left at the end because he's still searching. When he returns, it'll be with a more holistic view. He might even pick up Yoga (ha) and give Xavier's offer a genuine try. At least that's the difference I see.

Question: Avalanche and Toad in your stories (Basic Needs 1,2, & 3) are quite different from their cartoon counterparts. Did you set out to make them likeable, or did they just evolve (no pun intended) on their own? (submitted by Diane) Answer: They were totally bad in the first one and I had no intension of bringing them back for more! It wasn't until I found myself without a plot for 'Basic Needs 2' that I decided to recycle them. And between us, they were still bad all throughout. It was only when Lance got shot by Mystique and was dying in Marie's arms after the foiled robbery that I decided to go back and revamp everything. In order for Marie to care enough to get them out of a certain death, she had to love Lance enough to want to make him live and not even know it. It occurred to me that Lance and Todd were Marie without Logan's intervention. After all, the three had lived together, eaten together, and done plenty of shitty things together too. They were just kids lost in bad circumstances and floundering to make do with what they had been handed. With that change, the story clicked so much more (originally Lance dies, Mystique gets away, the X-Men come to the rescue and the money blows up!). I don't know to what capacity I'll use Lance and Todd in the next Evolution fic, but it might very well be downright evil or showing their human side once again.

Question: How is it different (more difficult) to write the characters in an Elseworlds story setting, as opposed to their traditional setting? (submitted by Elaine) Answer: Actually, the characters are essentially the same as any other fic unless you purposely retool them (read: Monsieur Rembrant Lebeau, esq.). They are the only constant and the only thing I know for sure will go a certain way. It's everything else in an AU that is the problem!! With 'Voyage', I had to literally create a new world for Marie Elizabeth and Sailor Logan to live in and that was my biggest challenge. You have to describe everything in much more detail and that is where most of your time is spent. If you gloss over this part, the story ends up confusing and hollow. With any kind of moving action, setting is key. For 'Arabian Logan', I had to take this notion to the limit. Unlike seafaring, swashbuckling-type stories, where most folks know what a pirate, deserted islands and a ship looks like, I have to create a totally foreign world that many have only glimpsed at. It's hard to make Arabian Logan as exotic and authentic as I envision it and in this particular fic, the only thing that I could write with security is Mari and Lo'gan. Those I've had practice with, it's the rest that I'll need help in!! For you to see dunes, camels, spices, veils, robes, oasis, bellydancing, caravans, rugs, and noserings, I have to pay as much attention to description as I do to the story itself.

Question: Do you include as many parallels in Elseworld stories as you can? If so, how difficult/limiting is that to the creation/development of the story? (submitted by Diane) Answer: I try. I know I love seeing smaller fringe characters like Cable and Bishop show up in movieverse fic, so I get a kick out of finding new ways to retell their stories. It can be fun to play 'spot the plot contrivance', the only problem then becomes doing this too much. Some stories, like 'Voyage' lend themselves to using a multitude of characters. Other stories, like 'Arabian Logan', will definitely feature more original characters and less recognized X-Men. I just can't take a character like Gambit, who is known for his reddish hair and Cajun accent and slap a robe on him, put him on a stallion and call him an Arabian clansman. It just doesn't work, and so he's a no-no this time around.

Question: Do you have a particular song/book/fic muse that you turn to when you have writer's block or hit a rough spot in a story? (submitted by Errie) Answer: The movie, of course! With life being so crazy, time is my only writer's block (sigh), but when I do need a little inspiration (somehow it's always a sex scene), I turn on the set and watch that fine piece of cinematography a few times while I vacuum. Looking at Logan's behind in a tight pair of jeans and Marie's 'it looks cozy' reference with Logan's eyebrow lift in response is all the inspiration I need! Is that sick or what??

Question: If it was allowed, do you think you would like to publish your fan fic, with Marvel's blessings of course? (submitted by Errie) Answer: Geez, I think I would absolutely die if that ever happened! God, what I wouldn't give to just talk to a Marvel exec. I'll whip out my 101 reasons why comic Rogue needs to have sex in a heartbeat. And then follow up with why Logan would need to do the honors a minute later! Those folks need to get smacked upside the head and enlightened desperately. But alas, I can dream......

Question: If you could take one story that you've written and turn it into a movie, which story would it be? (submitted by Siale) Answer: Can I have two answers? The first would have to be 'The Great Ferret Fiasco'. Just imagine: Gambit in a plastic shower curtain, Scott losing it in the library, Bobby trying to mack on Kitty, Jube's signature yellow pleather going up in smoke, and of course the now classic - Logan playing pool with Rogue. Plus add two star quality, photogenic ferrets (I know two available ones) and you got yourself a slapstick comedy, X-men style! My second choice would be 'Run'. It has elements that would transfer well to the big screen; good fighting, a quick-pace plot, some major angstage, some fluff, pregnant Marie wobbling around, a brooding/loving Logan giving her hot looks and foot rubs (not to mention him in construction de rigueur), Scott + Mansion proposing to Storm, furry Beast, creepy dream sequences, a tragic look at young Marie's family, Jonathan and Logan in matching tuxes and a wedding. Did I forget to mention sex? Some of that too. In a wedding dress. And on a beach. With touching. And tanning lotion. (shudder) Any takers??

Question: Any tips or advice for people writing their own stories? (submitted by various) Answer: Write, write, and then write some more. Everyone has a different style and a different vision of what their fic should be, but know that you got to get it out first. You can get help from other folks and nitpick grammar and the such, but first find something you what to say, let it simmer a few days in your head and then let loose to write, write, and write some more.

Question: What upcoming stories are you working on now that we should look forward to? (submitted by Elaine) Answer: Right now I'm brushing up on my Bedouin history IQ for 'Arabian Logan'. Expect something soon. After that, 'Mommy Dearest 3', 'Why Not 2', a ferret fic I just promised Diane and two gift ficlets have been promised. After those five, I'm free of promises and I plan to write a little differently. I can't look that far ahead for details, but the first will be a fairy tale, then a new Evolution fic, then another AU. That should keep me busy into the summer.

I must say guys, this has been a great experience for me. I certainly have never given my writing this much thought before and I learned a thing or two about myself. I hope I answered your questions well enough and if I didn't freak you out too much, I'll gladly answer any other question at s_ithier@yahoo.com. Thanks.

This story archived at http://wolverineandrogue.com/wrfa/viewstory.php?sid=644