Author's Chapter Notes:
It kills me that Fox decided not to give an appropriate story for Rogue getting the powers of Miss Marvel. I think I’m a little obsessed with figuring out how it might happen in their universe. This is my take on one way it could have happened, especially considering everything that happened in X3. Big thanks to SacredMacha and Bancáinte for betaing! You're fantastic.

This story depicts the almost-rape of a character. If that disturbs you, please do not read further.
Finally, the mansion was quiet. Rogue opened her door as quietly as possible and peered out into the dark hallway. She concentrated on listening for the sounds of any stray mutant who might be walking the halls in search of a midnight snack or, for the older inhabitants, something a little more risqué. No sound met her ears, although her hearing was admittedly something less than it had been a month ago.

A month prior, when she had still been a mutant, Rogue had been able to use the echoes of powers she had pulled from other mutants to enhance her own abilities. Her hearing and sense of smell had been the gift of Logan, the faint pull she felt towards metal had been the curse from her one contact with Erik Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto, and when she was angry or upset the air around her would grow cold due to the touches she’d received from her boyfriend of the time, Bobby Drake. Those powers, along with her own inborn mutation, were no longer hers to call on. The cure that had saved her from the curse of her mutation had also taken away the abilities that she had stolen, although the memories of the others were, for some unexplained reason, still clear.

Thinking about the way her life had been for the past year or so made her feel sad and nostalgic if she focused on how drastic the difference was in her current situation, so she pushed the memories to the back of her mind and concentrated on the task at hand. Rogue strained to hear any sound that might echo through the silent mansion, but there was none. Now positive that no one was awake to interrupt her, she slipped out of her room and closed the door silently. Stealth was no issue for her anymore. The training she had received with the X-Men had given her many useful skills that didn’t have anything to do with her mutation, even if they hadn’t been able to do anything for her control of her powers.

Rogue walked down the hall, keeping her movements smooth as she had been taught. Her short black skirt was too tight to rustle with every step, thank goodness, and the green silk tank top she wore hardly had enough material to catch on anything. She carried the black heeled sandals she planned to wear in one hand, knowing that they would make too much noise if she put them on before she got outside. She took shallow breaths as she passed the rooms on her hall, fighting the certainty that at any minute one of their occupants would burst out and demand to know what she was doing.

Not that she thought anyone would care anymore. Rogue knew better than that. Most of the mutants in the mansion weren’t talking to her, and the rest were so busy fighting off their grief and trying to keeps the Professor’s dream going that they hardly noticed her anymore. Sometimes it seemed to her as if she was just drifting through the shadows in this place she used to call home, uncared for, isolated from the touch she thought would be hers after the cure.

Rogue shook her head to dispel those thoughts. Self-pity would only cause her to slide back into the brooding, quiet shell of a woman she’d been for the past three weeks, ever since Bobby had broken up with her to chase after Kitty. After weeks of self-examination, she’d come to the decision just that morning that she wasn’t going to stand for that anymore. She’d chosen her path for a reason, and if none of her former family could be happy about it and accept her for what she had become, then she would grab for whatever happiness she could get.

A small smile teased her lips as Rogue made her way through the rest of the mansion and out the side door. She paused only long enough to grab the black handbag she had hidden behind a bush earlier that day before heading down the short drive and out the mansion’s gate. The black sandals were slipped on as she waited for her cab. When it finally appeared, she slid in quickly and gave the cabbie her destination. Tonight was about having fun. Cooped up for too long, Rogue was determined that fun was about to happen with a vengeance.
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