Author's Chapter Notes:
“Driftwood” by Cursive.
“So he would sulk and drink and mope
And cross his arms and hope to die.
And then a fairy came one night,
To bring this sorry boy to life.”

I want you to save me
I want you to make me-
Something else
Anything but a monster
What others fear and look to when their rage is waning
I shouldn’t ask you,
Shouldn’t dare ask you to try and perform miracles;
The kind my soul was never worthy of
But if you bear that burden
You would change everything,
Including me
And bring me back from the gravestones I often check,
Looking for my name

“And she would cry, ‘liar, liar!
What have I done?
You’re no lover,
And I’m no fighter?’”

I am a helpless bystander in your life
Always wanting to do something
But never knowing what or how
You shatter me into a million pieces
Even though,
1 million doesn’t seem like enough
You’re screaming and I see your lips move,
But I never hear the sounds
Because I turned a deaf ear to your pleas
Realizing that I can’t change you
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