Marie heaved one big sigh and sniffled loudly. "This is so sad."

Logan rolled his eyes. "Darlin', I don't get it. Why do you girls always watch movies that you know will make you cry? Is it a woman thing?"

She sighed. "I don't know. Besides, don't act like you never cried through a movie." Logan cocked an eyebrow at her. "Me? Never." "Don't act all bad-ass-y with me. I saw you cry like a baby halfway through 'Brother Bear'." She grinned, remembering the event all too well.

"Just for Jimmy's benefit so he wouldn't feel like a pansy."

"Which he wouldn't do if it weren't for you telling him that showing feelings makes you one."

"Well, it does." Conversation over - for him - he turned back to the computer.

Marie smiled lovingly. He always acted the badass in public, but she knew he could be the most sensitive person on earth. He just wouldn't be caught dead acting it. Not outside of their room, anyway.

And that was just fine with her
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