Story Notes:
Sappy fic...get out the tissues.
Jubilee sighed. Advanced writing was not turning out to be as easy as she thought it would. She had completed all the exercises for the week, including the reading, except for the graded paragraph due tomorrow. Even the "Guide to Good Writing" book her friends had given her had not provided any inspiration for the piece.

She rose from the desk chair and made her way to the window. Her room overlooked the garden and pond area and she hoped the scenery would give her fodder for the `short paragraph containing evocative imagery' the professor of the class had asked for. As she was about ready to turn away in frustration, something caught her eye. A voyeur now, she could not tear herself away from the scene below until the players exited their impromptu stage. Jubilee paused for a long moment and then returned to her computer, hastily wiping a tear from her cheek before she let her fingers loose upon the keyboard.

Still with a pencil hastily stuffed behind one ear, Jubilee entered the kitchen to pilfer a diet Coke from the `fridge. Rogue was seated at the kitchen island absently admiring a rose standing at attention in a small vase in front of her. Jubilee smiled to herself and put her paper down on the table as she went to get her drink.

"There you two are!" exclaimed Kitty when she entered the room. "I need some help studying for a history exam. Anyone up for asking me some questions?" She spotted the rose and headed over for a sniff. "Oooh, that's pretty. I bet it's from the garden."

Marie nodded but before she could say anything Jubilee butted in. "It is. Logan cut it for her." There was silence and she looked up from pouring her Coke. She blushed prettily and said, "Well, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did," Marie replied softly. "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess." She read over the paper on the table one more time and nodded to herself, satisfied with the outcome of her work. "Here, I'll ask your questions, Kitty. I'm done with my writing assignment."

"Ah thought you were tearing your hair out over that paragraph," Marie commented. "Something inspire you?"

Jubilee walked over and took a sniff of the rose, patting Rogue on the back as she leaned over her. "Yep. The best inspiration - a different kind of smut." She left the paper on the island counter and steered Kitty out the door. "Come on, you need help with history, young grasshopper. Let the master teach you all she knows."

Marie chuckled and then noticed the paper. She slid off the stool and started to follow her friends in order to give it back but stopped as the words caught her eye…

She smiles and the light from it is reflected fourfold in his eyes. She speaks and his ears catch each nuance of emotion inflected in every soft intonation of her Southern lilt. She laughs and music flows forth, plucking the strings of his uplifted heart to form a joyous resonation. She touches and his soul is reborn in that most tender caress of feather-soft lips on a tough, masculine cheek. She is and he would challenge Hell itself to ensure that she remain.

Marie slowly folded the paper and tucked it in a pocket. "Thanks, Jubes," she whispered as she picked up the vase and headed out to help with the review, a beautiful smile lighting her way.


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