Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: No I don’t own the X-Men, Stan Lee would not take my money for them, so all the names and other stuff go to him and Marvel. But I do own Lady Rose so no one can take her way from me hahahahahaha!
Who would of though that after 5 years of living at the mansion that I would end up leaving with Scott! I know what your all thinking and no Scott and I are not an item there’s much more to this so I guess I should start from the beginning.

*5 years earlier*

Right after I was brought home after the ordeal with Magneto, Logan was gone, right after he had promised to look after me and said that he would be back, and I believed him. Well I’ve only known him 3 days yet I trust him with my life I mean come on he risked his life twice just to save me who could not believe him.

But there was one thing that I wished he had promised and that was to stay, stay and make sure I lived through the nights with not only his and Magneto’s nightmares, but my own. My own nightmares of being alone forever without touch, about killing or hurting the ones near to me, who have done nothing but try to help with not only my powers but also feeling comfortable about being around a big group of people again.

For the first few months I would be by myself in the Library or out in the garden drawing all of things I saw in the night, trying to face them by letting them out in the one way I knew that I could not hurt any one. I got used to this routine until one day when I was out in the garden enjoying the day, a certain 4-eyes came over and tried to communicate with me, which was the wrong thing to try with me.
“Hey” he says


“So what are you up to?” well that’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard, I’m sitting here with a drawing pad on my lap with a pencil in my hand, what did he think I was doing, trying out to be a cheerleader!

“Stuff” I reply

“Hmmmm” Why do I have this feeling that he’s not going to leave till he gets something out of me “I was just wondering?” What did I tell you?


“Well I was just wondering if you were up for a little extra credit assignment?” “What sort of assignment are we talking about here Scott?” I know I should call him Mr Summers and I do in lesson, other then that I call him Scott and he lets me, in fact I’m the only student that calls all the teachers by their first name out of lesson time anyway, I think is cool of him that he lets me, even though the inner-Logan is calling him a ‘mummy’s boy’ and all the names under the sun, but I just brushed it off. Although I don’t show it I really do respect Scott I have a lot of respect for all the teachers, but they all know when I want to be left alone, but not Scott no, he is determined to get through to me, to try and make friends with me which gives me even more respect for him because no one else, well besides Logan has tried to do that.

“Well” he starts, “Some of our students are having trouble passing a few of their classes”

“Yeah and?” can’t he see that I’m too into drawing what I saw in my nightmare last night

“And I was wondering if you would be so kind just to help, just a little?”

“In other words” I say “Their failing and you want me to be the little helper on the side to just give them that little push in the right direction?”

“Well yeah, that about sums it up, so will you do it?” God even though I can’t see his eyes I know he’s giving me the old puppy dog look. “Sure I’ll give them that little push” ^into the swimming pool^ wait did I just say I was going to help?

“That’s great you start tomorrow c’yah”, “Wait you didn’t tell me what subject it is?”

“Oh don’t worry you’ll find out later” he yells over his shoulder, why do I have a funny feeling I’ve just been set up!
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