Chapter Three:
“Logan why are you hiding in the garage?” asked the voice of a familiar redhead as she walked into the garage and sat down on one of Scott’s motorbikes, closest to Logan.
“’Coz Marie’s gone crazy” he said bluntly not looking up from his task.
“Logan she hasn’t gone crazy. She’s just very hormonal. Pregnant women are all like that I assure you.” She chuckled.
“Well then you go get that kid outta her ‘coz it’s giving her crazy bitch hormones ‘n’ it’s pissing me off” he growled.
“Logan! That’s the mother of your child you’re talking about, show some respect.” Jean said sternly, getting nothing but a raised eyebrow in return. “She’ll be back to normal after the baby is born. Just be patient. And respectful probably wouldn’t hurt either.”
“Speak for yourself, I know a few people how would be hurt by my being respectful. Your pansy-arse of a husband for one. What do you think I’m ganna do with all my excess energy now Rogues cut me off?”
“Leave Scott alone. He’s still traumatised after the wedding fiasco. I honestly thought that my dad was going to kill him.” She said with a smile playing on her lips.
“See Pansy, You old man is in his 70’s. Even Scott should have been able to take him. But did he? No he just stood there. Idiot!”
“Logan! Scott is just a gentleman. He’s respectful of other people’s thoughts and feelings. Unlike you, always doing what you want, never once thinking about the repercussions of your actions. I might have to lend Rogue Scott again.” She said turning to leave.
“What you takin’ about Red?” he asked putting his tools down, giving her his full attention.
“She didn’t tell you? Oh well then perhaps I should let her-“
“No you’ll tell me now!” he growled cutting her of.
“Well a few months back Rogue was having really bad morning sickness. And you were off; doing what ever it is you do in Canada once a year. So I loaned her Scott. Rogue needed help in the mornings; someone to help her when she was sick and bring her breakfast. Scott wanted to help Rogue without me worrying about his intentions. So I let him think that I was lending him to her and he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Everybody wins” She explained smiling, uncomfortably.
“Oh yeah and what do you get?” he asked through clenched teeth.
“A well trained daddy-to-be for when we want to reproduce. Don’t be mad at her or him Logan, they were just doing what had to be done. I’ve got work to do in the lad. I’ll see you later.” She said leaving an angry Logan in thought. Once she reached her office she picked up the phone and dialled.
“Hello... Yes, it’s done... No he fell right into it... No, no problems... Exactly what you told me to tell him... I left him to fester. Have you told Rogue?.. Good... Yes, I’m going to tell him. Don’t want a repeat of last time... he needs to no ‘Ro... I know it would be funny but... oh, okay have fun with that. And don’t forget to stretch first.” A smile played on her face as she put the phone down.
“Oh yea’ Scott. Raht there. You’re so good at that. A little harder.” Logan could hear Marie’s moans coming for the Garden. Stupid Scott, Hogging all the Marie back rubbing fun.
“Marie Baby I can do that for you. Er... You know, if you don’t want Scooter rubbing his hands all over you. Might catch flees of sumfin’” He said glaring at a confused Scott.
“No thank ya Logan, Scott’s doin’ a great job. Ya’ve got such masterful hands Scott, has anyone ever told you that?” She asked innocently, looking up at Scott’s face adoringly.
“Erm... No I don’t believe that anyone ever has. Erm, thanks?!” he said before pausing and looking from Rogue’s face to Logan’s. A feeling of dread swept over him. Oh God, not again. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you later Rogue. Bye Logan” he said before scurrying off to find his wife.
“So Logan, how’s ya week been? We haven’t had a chance to talk recently. Ah’ve been feeling a real distance growing between us.” Rogue commented with a straight face and her hands clutched together in her lap
“I... You...” he stuttered in confusion that quickly turned to anger. “The only distance that’s been growing is between you and your brain. What the hell are you talking about? You told me to leave you alone.” He shouted at his till calm partner.
“Well I also tell you not to put your wet towel on the bed, but you always ignore that.” She replied looking up at him from the garden bench.
“That’s not the same thing. This is not about me ignoring you. It’s about me, not wanting to upset you.” He shouted back, his voice getting louder.
“Well women change there minds. It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to you. Like all the times I tell you to wear underwear with your jeans because I’m not cutting you out when your curlies get stuck in the teeth. But I always change my mind when I see your eyes watering.” Low Blow! Once this kid is born I’m investing in a large multipack of condoms.
After a few minutes passed and Logan had yet to form any sound resembling words in the English language Rogue decided it was time to eat. “Ah’m ganna go and make something to eat. Bacon and beer okay for dinner?”
“... “
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She said before making her way to the kitchen.
Rogues P.O.V
Stage one: no sex? Check (unfortunately)
Stage two: Mind fuck? Jean: Check Me: Check
Stage three: Two steps back? In Action
This is brilliant. This will not only piss off the man in Logan but the animal in Wolverine. Which is always a bonus. As long as wolvies kept feed and fucked he generally keeps quiet but this is sure to provoke a reaction. Wow, I forgot how much fun scheming is and with Storms help it’s even more fun. I hope I’m having a girl. I’ll have so much to teach her and with ‘Ro’s help she’s sure to grow up into a well rounded young lady. Oooh, he’s coming. Act normal.
Oh wow, I don’t think I ever noticed just quite how interesting this wall is before, such an interesting shade of white.
“Marie what are you doin’?” What does it look like? I’m acting normal. Dur!
“Just looking at this wall.” Shit. I’m kinda stupid. Oops, sorry baby Marie/Logan. Mummy didn’t mean to swear. Daddy made me do it. WHAT! This kids ganna be a mutant and if its a psychic I don’t want to set a bad example.
“Why are you looking at the wall?” he asked amusement seeping into his sexy man voice.
“It’s... Pretty? Yup, a sexy arse wall. Defiantly my favourite wall. You should be jealous.” I wonder if there are people with wall fetishes. Doesn’t sound like a bad fetish? I’d take walls over feet any day.
“This isn’t my shirt?” He says scowling, like the sexy monkey man he is.
“Course not Logan, Your shirts aren’t big enough to cover all of ya properly, let alone me and my baby belly.” I calmly explain to him. I wonder what piece of furniture he’s gong to break?!
“So who’s shirt did you borrow Rogue?” he asked me, blatantly already know if the set jaw is any indication to go by.
“Scott’s o’ course silly. His shirts are nice and baggy on me. An’ he has so many nice colours to choose from.” With some stupid name i might add. “Ocean ripple” what’s wrong with just light green? Or maybe it’s like a rhyme or something. Like “Use Ocean Ripple to cover your nipple” I’d by a shirt that had the word nipple on the packaging.
Logan has such pretty eyes, even when there’s fire burning behind them.
“What the FUCK MARIE!!!” He shouted throwing the chair from my vanity against the wall. NOOO! My wall! That was so deliberate. Murderer!
“That’s a little unnecessary don’t cha’ think. I’m using his shirt as pj’s, not using his dick as a tampon.”
“Marie! I... I... I need a beer.” He said leaving the room before he did something that he’d regret. Which is sweet but he didn’t need to slam the door. He’ll wake up baby Marie/Logan. Being kicked isn’t fun you know. You can’t block it if it’s from the inside.
I’ll have to get someone to fix the wall and possible the door hinges. Not to mention replace my shattered chair. Well it won’t be Logan, he’ll be gone for a few days. Masturbation is only fun and naught why you’re a teenager. I wonder if Anne Summers is a relative of Scott’s? Maybe he could get me a discount?
Logan’s P.O.V
Crazy, fucking, stupid.... What’s wrong with her. She’s gotta be doing it on purpose. No ones that’s stupid. I’m ganna go and by he a post. A big fucking poster that covers the hole fucking “Sexy Wall”, saying “Don’t Poke The Wolverine!” maybe then she’s get it.
“Hey Logan Wait up!” Oh great it’s the wet nurse.
“Not a good time Cyclopes.” Maybe if i growl loud enough he’ll piss off.
“But i need to talk to you...” Ignore it. Just think: Beer!
“It’s important!” Beer, Beer, Beer!
“It’s about Rogue.” Beer, Scotch, More Beer!
“Fine then, be whipped for the rest of your life. See if I care.”
What the fuck did he just say?!