Marie glared at the enemy with every inch of her abused body; pulling her rapidly healing right arm in close to her body she feinted to her right and then swept in on her left only to end up again flat on her back staring up at him.

“Damn it, Logan!” She growled as she rolled to her feet. “We’ve been at this for three damned days!”

“And you still ain’t got it right, Darlin’.” He smirked as she let loose a few creative epitaphs and come at him again. He had to admit she was a scrapper and she would more than likely put a normal mutant down without much trouble, but there were a hell of a lot of not normal mutants out there and she was still using mansion ethics in her fighting style. “You could have me down in three seconds flat if ya would just do what you gotta do.”

“I’m doin’ exactly like you showed me,” she growled, and came at him again only to find herself face down with Logan’s knee in her lower back. “I’m givin’ all I got!”

“That’s just it,” he purred in her ear. “You and I, hell, everyone at the mansion knows you got a weapon no one can defend against.”

“Ah- Ah can’t use mah skin,” she gasped in surprise. “It wouldn’t be-“

“Fair,” Logan laughed as raised himself from her prone body. “Haven’t I been telling you there ain’t nothin’ fair gonna be happening when the shit hits the fan?”

“Ah ain’t gonna use mah skin against ya, Logan!” She stared at him shocked. Picking dried leaves from her hair she glared up at him. “I can kill ya!”

“Well,” Logan shook his head in disgust. “I guess I’ll just keep beaten the hell out of ya until you ain’t so prissy about fighting.”

“Prissy,” she growled as she loosed her claws and swooped in low, this time she got a swipe in across his thigh and snaked body around his legs twisting her frame until she brought he mighty Wolverine down flat on his back. “You call this prissy,” She demanded as she moved to straddle his chest with her claws at his throat.

“Darlin’, I’m still breathin’,” he pointed out, unnecessarily.

He watched her as she glared down at him and he could see when she came to the conclusion that he wasn‘t kidding about them staying in this secluded forest until she played the dirty card. Growling, with a feral glint in her eyes she leaned in and whispered, almost seductively into his ear, “You wanna feel mah skin, Sugah?”

He was thinkin’ she was sexy as hell on fire when her cheek slide over his and he felt her lips move along the edge of his ear and then he was biting back a howl as he felt himself seeping into her. The drain only lasted a second or two, but she made her point.

When Logan could finally pick himself up off the ground she was nowhere in sight; he knew he’d pushed her, made her do something she didn’t want to do, but he also knew she would have to learn to deal that death blow. It was going to come down to her or the enemy and when the cards were lyin’ on the table, and it was all over except the counting, he wanted her still standing.

Trudging back to the cabin Logan couldn’t help smiling at the way she’d handled herself these last few days. They hadn’t looked at the files since the night they arrived; it was a sort of mutually agreed upon decision to wait until the brawling lessons had been completed.

So, it wasn’t a shock to walk in to the cabin and find Marie sitting at the table, scowl on her face, reading the file Xavier had compiled on her. Logan went to the small refrigerator and pulled out two beers, uncapping them as he sat down beside her. Purposefully placing her beer on the page she was reading Logan leaned back in his chair and took a long pull on the amber bottle.

Marie raised a disdainful eyebrow, but took the bottle and took a swig, turning the page. “He thought I was sympathetic to Magneto’s cause,” she murmured as she pointed to the file with the bottle, “Figured I could’ve done more to keep ‘em from takin’ me.”

“He’s-well, he was an ass, Darlin’,” Logan scowled down at the papers.

“You agree with him though,” she murmured watching him closely. “That’s what all that shit was about out there today.”

Logan met her gaze and he let a warning growl form in his throat, “It was about you gettin’ out of this fuckin’ war with your life, Marie.”

“Cut the crap, Logan!” She yelled as she thrust away from the table and kicked her chair aside as she leaned across the table to sneer, “You think I let them take me, let him use me for that damned machine, same as the Professor!”

“No,” Logan growled as he stood to meet her across the table, with the flip of his wrists the table lay on its side and papers were raining down on them as he pinned her to the wall behind her. The hard length of Logan’s body caged her slender frame and his eyes when he sneered down at here held a fierce light, “You of all people know damned well what I thought, then as now!”

“Why did ya make me,” she cried, her eyes beseeching him as her body sagged against him. He felt her shudder as her head came to rest on his shoulder. “Why did ya make me?”

Closing his eyes Logan took a deep, calming breath before he released her arms and pulled her to him with one hand at her nape and lower back. “It’s different now,” he told her quietly. “It ain’t like then; the enemy wears the face of a friend and I can’t lose you because you won’t do what needs doin’. If I’d been thinking the Professor would still be alive and Jean wouldn’t be readying to wage war against the humans.”

“You would have fucked her,” Marie muttered as she slammed her fist into his shoulder.

“Yes,” he sighed, what else could he say to that. When he’d looked at Jean in the med-lab that day she’d been less unattainable, and he would have fucked her just to have what had always been withheld, but he’d realized, almost too late, she wasn’t what he wanted.

“Why didn’t ya,” she asked, so quietly, he nearly missed it.

“You know why, Marie.” Logan sighed and stoked a hand through her silky hair. She shook her head, but he let his hand slide along her throat. “Yeah, you do, Darlin’.” His words were whispered into her ear as his lips slipped over her cheek to the corner of her lips. “You know why,” he reiterated as he let his lips ghost over hers, nipping at the plump lower lip and then soothing it with his tongue. “You’re the Moon,” Marie’s breathing hitched at his softly spoke words and he smiled as his lips covered hers.
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