My Life So Far by Rogue
I’m a mutant, and not just any mutant, I’m a bad-assed crime fighting mutant. My life has to be one exciting adventure after another, right? Not really. You’d be surprised how very day to day my life really is. Sure, there is an occasional mission to save the world, or you know, a street at least, from imminent destruction, but mostly, it’s just new mutant pick-ups. Honestly, I think the professor is building one hell of an army here. Logan says we live in a mutant house. He doesn’t mean a house that a lot of mutants live in. No, he means the house itself is some freaky mutant. Took me awhile to get what he meant, even the “Logan” in my head can be confused by his sense of humor. But every time we do a pick-up, the new mutant just moves right on in, no question of space. The other day, I turned left and went down a hallway I’ve never been before. I think Logan’s right – Mutant House, that or Time Lord Technology, but I watch too much BBC America. Still, I see a blue police box and I’m hitching a ride!
Whoops, that thought got away from me. Sorry. Where was I? Oh, yeah. So we have a ton of new mutants roaming the halls. One of those mutants happens to be the reason Logan finally pulled his head out of his ass and is now in a monogamous relationship with yours truly. He may also be the reason that Scott is requiring all X-Men to attend a seminar on Sexual Harassment. I’m not sure Remy can really help it though. I mean, he’s just got that…you know, what’s it called? That Oh-my-god-I-want-to-lick-him-up-one-side-and-down-the-other quality. Really, none of the women are complaining about him. I think the men are the ones bitching. Seriously, if there was an issue, it should have been brought to light long before now due to Jubilee alone. That girl is seriously sexually advanced.
Did it again. Sorry. I’d edit this thing, but the psychologist wants us to just start writing about our lives with no editing. I mean, come on, even Stephen King has an editor. Jeez. I’m not complaining about the evaluations, but the new team requirements are seriously going to jeopardize our team unity. I mean, do you really think Logan is going to not get placed on some kind of extended psych-leave. Hah! I love him, but stable is not his thing.
Veered off again. You know, when you tell a person to, “Write about what makes you you. Don’t worry about organizing it or applying any specific outline, just write about your life so far.” Well this is the kind of disorganized ramblings you get. The whole team’s going to be on psych leave.
Crap, okay. Forget it. I’m going to bed. Logan’s growling and I can’t deal with this when I just want to shuck my panties and get me some animal lovin’! I can’t believe I just wrote that. Crap. Yep, will have to work on this tomorrow.