
After checking to make sure that they were alone, Logan urged her out of the cell and into the hallway. She followed carefully, minding his signals with a twitchy swiftness and calming altogether when he set a hand on some part of her. He gave a fleeting thought to what her power could be, but dismissed it preferring a collared crazy girl to a powered one.

“Marie, we run down the next hallway.” His lips brushed against her skin as he whispered and she shivered, but nodded. He tuned out the delicate scent the flowered from her, but not before his animal side had time enough to memorize it. He shook his head and focused.

Their timing was perfect when they raced down the hall and when Logan turned to check on Marie she was hot on his heels, the clarity in her large brown eyes was reassuring. He pressed himself back against a wall and caught her in a quick sure movement before she continued on toward the scrape of a shoe that had echoed off of the wall ahead. She fit snug and sweet against him, but he didn’t give in to any of the urges that reared when she pressed her ear to his chest.

It was a near thing; the animal in him was nearer to the surface than it had been in years. He wasn’t sure if it were the walls and collar that brought it on or the equally disconcerting woman he held against him. In the end he maintained mastery of his instincts. It would prove though, that the girl would not maintain control over hers.
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